Directeur de recherche émérite au CNRS
Thèmes de recherche
- Philosophie et sciences au sein des cultures juives, notamment médiévales
Activité éditoriale
Depuis 2001 : Directeur de la revue Aleph : Historical Studies in Science & Judaism
- Université de Genève, Département de philosophie, 2010-
- École pratique des hautes études, IVe section, chargé de cours, 2007-
- Yale University, Department of Jewish Studies and Department of Religious Studies, professeur invité, 2005-2006.
- École normale supérieure de St. Cloud/Fontenay-aux-Roses, cours de préparation à l’agrégation d’hébreu, 1999-2000.
- Université de Paris 8, Département d’études hébraïques, chargé de cours, 1998-2005
- École des hautes études du judaïsme, Paris, chargé de cours, 1990-1998.
- Institut national de langues et de civilisations orientales (INALCO), Paris, chargé de cours, 1989-1998.
- Institut interuniversitaire d’études juives, Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, chargé de cours, 1989-1992.
- École pratique des hautes études, Section des sciences philologiques, Paris, chargé de cours, 1989-1990 (remplacement de Mme Colette Sirat).
- Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, Département de philosophie, Professeur associé, 1987/88.
- École centrale des arts et métiers, Paris, Chargé de cours, 1981-1987.
- École polytechnique, Paris, Chargé de cours, 1981-82.
- Mathématiques et physique, Université hébraïque de Jérusalem,1965-1968, B.Sc. (avec mention) en 1968.
- Mathématiques, physique, histoire et philosophie des sciences, Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, M.Sc. (avec mention) en 1971.
- Philosophie, Université libre de Berlin (Ouest), 1971-1974.
- Doctorat de troisième cycle en épistémologie (avec mention), Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, 1981.
- Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Paris 7, 1996.
Ouvrages personnels
- Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (en hébreu) (Tel Aviv : The Israeli Open University, 1976)
- Aristotle’s Theory of Material Substance. Form and Soul, Heat and Pneuma (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1995)
- Science in the Medieval Hebrew and Arabic Traditions (Aldershot, Ashgate [Variorum Collected Studies Series], 2005)
Direction d’ouvrages
- (éd.) Hélène Metzger, La Méthode philosophique en histoire des sciences (Paris, Fayard,1987).
- (éd.) Études sur / Studies on Hélène Metzger Corpus (Paris) no. 8/9, 1988. Réimprimé : Leyde, Brill,1990.
- (éd.) Joseph Ben-David, Scientific Growth : Collected Essays on the Social Organization and Ethos of Science (Berkeley / Los Angeles / Oxford, University of California Press, 1991).
- (éd.) Studies on Gersonides - A Fourteenth-Century Jewish Philosopher-Scientist (Leyde, Brill,1992).
- (éd.) Joseph Ben-David, Éléments d’une sociologie historique des sciences (Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1997).
- (éd.), AIDS in Jewish Thought and Law (Hoboken, New Jersey, Ktav Publishing Co., 1998).
- (éd. avec Jean-Pierre Rothschild et Gilbert Dahan), Torah et Science : Perspectives historiques et théoriques. Mélanges Charles Touati (Louvain, Peeters, 2001).
- (éd. avec S. Kottek), Mélanges d’histoire de la médecine hébraïque. Études choisies de la Revue de l’histoire de la médecine hébraïque (Leyde, Brill, 2003).
- (éd.), (ed.), Science and Philosophy in Ashkenazi Culture : Rejection, Toleration, and Accommodation, in : Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts ; Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook, vol. 8 (2009) (Leipzig : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009), pp. 13-315.
- (éd.) Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures (Boston/ Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011).
- (éd. avec Reimund Leicht), Studies on Moritz Steinschneider (1816-1907) (Leiden : Brill, 2011).
Articles dans des revues ou chapitres d’ouvrages
- Interview with Jürgen Habermas. Published in :
- 1.1 Mahshavot (Tel-Aviv), no. 48 (1977) (in Hebrew) ;
- 1.2 Jürgen Habermas, Kleine politische Schriften 1-4 (Frankfurt/M. : Suhrkamp Verlag, 1981), 467-90.
- 1.3 Jürgen Habermas, Autonomy and Solidarity (London, 1986).
- 1.4 Jürgen Habermas, Society and Identity in Our Times (Interviews and Essays) (in Hebrew), ed. by Abraham Yas’ur (Tel-Aviv : Sifriat Poalim, 1991), 196-208.
- "How Strong is Dr Bloor’s `Strong Programme’ ?," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 10 (1979), 67-83.
- "Wissenssoziologie der Naturwissenschaften : Bedingungen und Grenzen ihrer Möglichkeit," in N. Stehr and V. Meja (eds.), Wissenssoziologie (Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Sonderheft 22/1980), (Opladen : Westdeutscher Verlag, 1981), 153-62.
- "Littérature et sciences de la nature en France au début du XVIIIe siècle : Pierre Polinière, l’introduction de l’enseignement de la physique expérimentale à l’Université de Paris et l’Arrêt burlesque de Boileau," Revue de synthèse, 99-100 (1979), 267-95.
- "Early Electricity Between Chemistry and physics : The Simultaneous Itineraries of Francis Hauksbee, Samuel Wall, and Pierre Po¬linière," Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences, 11 (1981), 203-29.
- "Theory of Matter and Cosmology in William Gilbert’s De magnete," Isis 74 (1983), 22-37.
- [Review Essay on the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge], Pandore 23 (April 1983), 33-8.
- "The Role of Shared Knowledge in Science : The Failure of the Constructivist Programme in the Sociology of Science," Social Studies of Science 14 (1984), 285-95.
- "Die elektrische Anziehung im 17. Jahrhundert zwischen korpuskularer und alchemischer Deutung," in Christoph Meinel (ed.), Die Alchemie in der europäischen Kultur- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, Band 32) (Wiesbaden : Otto Harrassowitz, 1986), 315-26.
- "The Theory of the Opposites and an Ordered Universe : Physics and Metaphysics in Anaximander," Phronesis 31 (1986), 197-228. [Reprinted in Studies, Essay XI.]
- "Cosmogonie et physique chez Gersonide", Revue des études juives 145 (1986), 295-314.
- "Joseph Ben-David’s Sociology of Scientific Knowledge," Minerva 25 (1987), 135-49.
- "Épistémologie, astronomie et astrologie chez Gersonide", Revue des études juives 146 (1987), 357-65.
- "The Hermeneutical Status of the History of Science : The Views of Hélène Metzger (An Aperçu)," Organon 22/23 (1986/1987), 33-9.
- "The Hermeneutical Status of the History of Science : The Views of Hélène Metzger," in Edna Ullmann-Margalit (ed.), Science in Reflection. [The Israel Colloquium : Studies in History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science, vol. 3. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 110] (Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1988), 123-44.
- "Pour le dossier de la traduction latine médiévale du Guide des égarés", Revue des études juives 117 (1988), 167-72.
- "Introduction," in Études sur / Studies on Hélène Metzger (above no. A3), 11-20.
- "Épistémologie des sciences de la nature et herméneutique de l’histoire des sciences selon Hélène Metzger", in Études sur / Studies on Hélène Metzger (above no. A 3), 161-88.
- "Hélène Metzger : Éléments de biographie", in Études sur / Studies on Hélène Metzger (above no. A 3), 197-208.
- (ed.) "Hélène Metzger, Extraits de lettres", in Études sur / Studies on Hélène Metzger (above no. A 3), 247-69.
- "Bibliographie complète d’Hélène Metzger", in Études sur / Studies on Hélène Metzger (above no. A 3), 270-74.
- "La Philosophie de la géométrie d’Al-Fârâbî : Son commentaire sur le début du 1er livre et le début du Ve livre des Éléments d’Euclide", Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 11 (1988), 104-219.
- 22.1 Partial reprint in Mübahat Türker-Küyel, Fârâbî’n Geometri Felsefesine Iliskin Metinler(Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Yanini - Sayi : 53 ; Fârâbî Külliyati - Sayi : 5) (Ankara : Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, 1992).
- (With Ilana Löwy) "Ludwik Fleck’s Roles in Society : A Case Study Using Joseph Ben-David’s Paradigm for a Sociology of Knowledge," Social Studies of Science 18 (1988), 625-51.
- "Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed and the Transmission of the Mathematical Tract `On Two Asymptotic Lines’ in the Arabic, Latin, and Hebrew Medieval Traditions," Vivarium 26 (1988), 113-40.
- 24.1 Reprinted in : R.S. Cohen and H. Levine (eds.) Maimonides and the Sciences(Amsterdam : Kluwer, 2000), pp. 35-56.
- "Sur la partie astronomique du Liwyat Hen de Lévi ben Abraham ben Hayyim", Revue des études juives 148 (1989),103-12. [Reprinted in Studies, Essay VII.]
- "Human Felicity and Astronomy : Gersonides’ Revolt Against Ptolemy" (in Hebrew), Da`at (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) 22 (1989), 55-72.
- "Science Studies in France : A Sociological View," Social Studies of Science 20 (1990), 353-69.
- "The Problem of Cohesion Between Alchemy and Natural Philosophy : From Unctuous Moisture to Phlogiston," in Z.R.W.M. von Martels (ed.), Alchemy Revisited. Proceedings of the International Conference on the History of Alchemy at the University of Groningen, 17-19 April 1989 (Collection de travaux de l’Académie internationale d’histoire des sciences, vol. 33) (Leiden : Brill, 1991), 107-16.
- "The Distinction Between Two R. Joseph b. Joseph Nahmias - the Commentator and the Astrologer" (Hebrew), Qiryat Sefer 62 (1988-89), 917-9. [English translation in Studies, Essay VIII.]
- "Levi ben Gershom as a Scientist : Physics, Astrology and Eschatology," Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division C, vol. 1 : Jewish Thought and Literature (Jerusalem : World Union of Jewish Studies, 1990), 65-72. [Reprinted in Studies, Essay VI.]
- "Al-Fârâbî on the Foundations of Geometry," Knowledge and the Sciences in Medieval Philosophy. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Medieval Philosophy (S.I.E.P.M. Vol. III (= Annals of the Finnish Society for Missiology and Ecumenics 55), edited by Reijo Työrinoja, Anja Inkeri Lehtinen and Dagfinn Fø llesdal (Helsinki, 1990), 52-61. [Reprinted in Studies, Essay X.]
- "(Al-)Chemical Foundations for Cosmological Ideas : Ibn Sînâ on the Geology of an Eternal World," in : Sabetai Unguru (ed.), Physics, Cosmology and Astronomy, 1300-1700 : Tension and Accommodation (= Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 126) (Dordrecht / Boston / London : Kluwer, 1991), 47-73. [Reprinted in Studies, Essay XII.]
- "La science dans les communautés juives médiévales de Provence. Quelques caractéristiques," Communauté nouvelle no. 58 (December, 1991), 98-110.
- "Two Notes on Sefer Meyashsher Aqob by Alfonso, alias Abner of Burgos" (Hebrew), Qiryat Sefer 63 (1990-1991), 984-6. [English translation in Studies, Essay IX.]
- "General Introduction : Joseph Ben-David, An Outline of His Life and Work," Joseph Ben-David, Scientific Growth : Collected Essays on the Social Organization and Ethos of Science, edited and with an Introduction by Gad Freudenthal (above, no. A4), 1-25.
- "Rabbi Lewi ben Gerschom (Gersonides) und die Bedingungen wissenschaftlichen Fortschritts im Mittelalter : Astronomie, Physik, erkenntnistheoretischer Realismus, und Heilslehre," Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 74 (1992), 158-79.
- "The Place of Science in Medieval Jewish Communities" (Hebrew), Zemanim (Tel Aviv), vol. 11, no. 42 (Summer 1992), 40-51.
- "Présentation," in Gad Freudenthal (ed.), Studies on Gersonides — A Fourteenth-Century Jewish Philosopher-Scientist (above, no. A5), (Leiden : Brill, 1992), XI-XXI.
- "Sauver son âme ou sauver les phénomènes : Sotériologie, épistémologie et astronomie chez Gersonide," in Gad Freudenthal (ed.), Studies on Gersonides — A Fourteenth-Century Jewish Philosopher-Scientist (Leiden : Brill, 1992), (above, no. A5), 317-52. [Reprinted in Studies, Essay V.]
- "The Place of Science in Medieval Hebrew-Writing Jewish Communities : A Sociological Perspective," in Lola Ferre, José Ramón Ayaso, María José Cano (eds.), La Ciencia en las España Medieval : Musulmanes, Judíos y Cristianos (Granada : Universidad de Granada, Instituto de Ciencias de la Education, 1992), 127-44.
- "Maimonides’ Stance on Astrology in Context : Cosmology, Physics, Medicine, and Providence," in : Fred Rosner and Samuel S. Kottek (eds.) Moses Maimonides : Physician, Scientist, and Philosopher(Northvale, N.J. and London : Jason Aronson, 1993), 77-90. [Reprinted in Studies, Essay III.]
- "The Place of Science in Medieval Hebrew-Writing Jewish Communities : A Sociological Perspective," in Gabrielle Sed-Rajna (ed.), Rashi, 1040-1990. Hommage à Aphraïm E. Urbach. Congrès européen d’études juives (Paris : Les Éditions du Cerf, 1993), 599-613.
- "Les sciences dans les communautés juives médiévales de Provence : Leur appropriation, leur rôle", Revue des études juives 152 (1993), 29-136.
- "Clandestine Stoic Concepts in Mechanical Philosophy : The Problem of Electrical Attraction," in J.V. Field and Frank A.J.L. James (eds.), Renaissance and Revolution : Humanists, Scholars, Craftsmen and Natural Philosophers in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993), 161-72.
- "`The Air Blessed Be He and Blessed Be His Name’ in Sefer ha-Maskil by R. Shlomo Simha of Troyes : Some Characteristics of a Stoically-Inspired Midrashic-Scientific Cosmology of the Thirteenth Century," Part One : Da`at (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) 32-33 (1994), 187-234 (Hebrew ; English abstract, pp. LXVII-LXVIII) ; Part Two : ibid., 34 (1995), 87-129.
- "Science in the Medieval Jewish Culture of Southern France," History of Science 33 (1995), 23-58. [Reprinted in Studies, Essay I.]
- "Levi ben Gershom (Gersonides), 1288-1344", in S.H. Nasr and O. Leaman (eds.), The Routledge History of Islamic Philosophy (London and New York : Routledge, 1996), 739-54. [Reprinted in Science in the Medieval Hebrew and Arabic Traditions, Essay IV.]
- (With Henri Hugonnard-Roche), "Gersonide logicien," Revue philosophique 4/1995, 485-91.
- "On the world-picture of the world in the Middle Ages," (Hebrew), in Rachel Milstein (ed.), Hotam Shlomo -Hathim Suleiman (Salomon’s Seal) (Jerusalem, 1995), 63-6.
- "Stoic Physics in the Writings of R. Sacadia Ga’on al-Fayyumi and Its Aftermath in Medieval Jewish Mysticism," Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 6 (1996), 113-36. [Reprinted in Science in the Medieval Hebrew and Arabic Traditions, Essay XIII.]
- "Jérusalem ville sainte ? La problématique maïmonidienne", in Béatrice Philippe (ed.), Voir Jérusalem. Pélerins, conquérants, voyageurs (Paris : Association Cimaise, Art et Histoire, 1997), 113-7.
- "The Study of Mathematics as a ’Great Religious Secret’ : The Commentary on the Beginning of Euclid’s Elements by Abraham ben Shlomo of Lunel. A Commented Critical Edition," Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought 14 (1998) (=Y. Sermonetta Memorial Volume, ed. Aviezer Ravitzky), 129-58. (Hebrew)
- "Jewish Responses to AIDS From the Perspective of the History of Ideas" (Hebrew), Assia 16 (1-2) (April 1998), 110-27.
- "L’Héritage de la physique stoïcienne dans la pensée juive médiévale (Saadia Gaon, les Dévôts rhénans, Sefer ha-Maskil," Revue de métaphysique et de morale 1998 (4), 453-77. [Reprinted in Science in the Medieval Hebrew and Arabic Traditions, Essay XIV.]
- "Öl", in Claus Priesner and Karin Figala (eds.), Alchemie. Lexikon einer hermetischen Wissenschaft(München : Verlag C.H. Beck, 1998), 259-60.
- "Jérusalem Ville sainte ? Le dilemme maïmonidien", Revue d’histoire des religions, 217 (4) (2000), p. 689-705.
- "Holiness and Defilement : The Ambivalent Perception of Philosophy by Its Opponents in the Early Fourteenth Century", in : Micrologus IX (2001) : Gli Ebrei e le Scienze. The Jews and the Sciences(Florence : Sismel/Edizioni del Galluzo, 2001), 169-93. [Reprinted in Science in the Medieval Hebrew and Arabic Traditions, Essay II.]
- "Providence, Astrology, and Celestial Influences on the Sublunar World in Shem-Tov Ibn Falaquera’s De`ot ha-Filosofim," in : Steven Harvey (ed.), Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Science and Philosophy (Amsterdam : Kluwer, 2000), 335-70. [[Reprinted in Science in the Medieval Hebrew and Arabic Traditions, Essay XVI.]
- "Révélation et Raison, Torah et Madda dans quelques écrits récents," in : Gad Freudenthal, Jean-Pierre Rothschild, and Gilbert Dahan (eds.), Torah et Science : Perspectives historiques et théoriques. Mélanges Charles Touati (Louvain : Peeters, 2001). (no. A 9 above), 239-67.
- "La Halakhah face à la maladie du sida", Cahiers du judaïsme 9 (hiver-printemps 2001), 47-56.
- “The Medieval Astrologization of Aristotle’s Biology : Averroes on the Role of the Celestial Bodies in the Generation of Animate Bodies," Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 12 (2002), 111-37. [Reprinted in Science in the Medieval Hebrew and Arabic Traditions, Essay XV.]
- “Ketav ha-da`at or Sefer ha-Sekhel we-ha-muskalot : The Medieval Hebrew Translations of al-Fârâbî’s Risâlah fî’l-‘aql. A Study in Text History and in the Evolution of Medieval Hebrew Philosophical Terminology,” Jewish Quarterly Review 93 (2003), 29-115.
- “La Quiddité De l’âme, traité populaire néoplatonisant faussement attribué à Al-Fârâbî : Traduction annotée et aommentée,” Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 13 (2003), 173-237.
- “Gersonide, génie solitaire”, in : Colette Sirat, Sara Klein-Braslavy and Olga Weijers (eds.), Les méthodes de travail de Gersonide et le maniement du savoir chez les scolastiques (Paris : Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2003), pp. 291-317.
- “Four Implicit Quotations of Philosophical Sources in Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed,” Zutot : Perspectives on Jewish Culture, vol. 2 (2002) (Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2003), 114-25.
- (with Cristina Chimisso), “A Mind of Her Own. Hélène Metzger to Émile Meyerson, 1933,”, Isis 94 (2003), 477-91.
- “‘Instrumentalism’ and ‘Realism’ as Categories in the History of Astronomy : Duhem vs. Popper, Maimonides vs. Gersonides ,” in : Peter Barker, Alan C. Bowen, José Chabás, Gad Freudenthal, and Y. Tzvi Langermann (eds.), Astronomy and Astrology from the Babylonians to Kepler : Essays Presented to Bernard R. Goldstein on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (= Centaurus 45 [2003]), 227-48.
- “Israel ben Moshe Halewi Zamosc,” in : Andreas B. Kilcher and Otfried Fraisse (eds.), Metzler Lexikon jüdischer Philosophen und Theologen (Stuttgart : Verlag J. B. Metzler, 2003), 174-6.
- “Judaism, History of Science and Religion, Medieval Period,” Encyclopedia of Science and Religion, J. Wentzel Vrede van Hussteen, ed., 2 vols (New York : McMillan, 2003), vol. 2, 487-91.
- “Résistance spirituelle à Lyon (1941-1944) : le Bureau des études juives”, Revue d’histoire de la Shoah 179 (Sept.-Dec. 2003), 293-294
- “New Light on the Physician Aaron Salomon Gumpertz : Medicine, Science and Early Haskalah in Berlin,” Zutot : Perspectives on Jewish Culture, vol. 3 (2003) (Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2004), 59-70.
- (With Tony Lévy), “De Gérase à Bagdad : Ibn Bahrîz, al-Kindî, et leur recension arabe de l’Introduction arithmétique de Nicomaque, d’après la version hébraïque de Qalonymos ben Qalonymos d’Arles,” Régis Morelon and Ahmed Hasnawi (eds.), De Zénon d’Élée à Poincaré. Recueil d’études en hommage à Roshdi Rashed (Louvain-Paris : Éditions Peeters [Les Cahiers du MIDEO, 1], 2004), 479-544.
- “La détermination partielle, biologique et climatologique, de la félicité humaine : Maïmonide versus al-Fârâbî à propos des influences célestes,” in : Tony Lévy and Roshdi Rashed (eds.), Maïmonide : philosophe et savant (Louvain : Peeters, 2004), pp. 79-129.
- “A Note on the Life of Imre Lakatos in Occupied Hungary (1944),” In : S. Probst S., A. Erdélyi, A. Moretto, and K. Chemla (eds.) Liberté et négation. Ceci n’est pas un festschrift pour Imre Toth(Paris :, 2005).
- “The Cultural Identity of Jews in the Middle Ages,” in : REEH (Revue européenne des études hébraïques [Paris]) 9 (2003 ; published in 2005), pp. 83-89 (in Hebrew).
- (with José Luis Mancha), “Levi ben Gershom’s Criticism of Ptolemy’s Astronomy. Critical Editions of The Hebrew And Latin Versions and an Annotated English Translation of Chapter Forty-Three of the Astronomy (Wars Of The Lord, V.1.43)”, Aleph 5 (2005), pp. 35-167.
- “Maimonides’ Philosophy of Science,” in : Kenneth Seeskin (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005), 134-166.
- “Aaron Salomon Gumpertz, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, and the First Call for an Improvement of the Civil Rights of Jews in Germany (1753),” AJSReview 29 (2005), pp. 299-353.
- “The Biological Limitations of Man’s Intellectual Perfection According to Maimonides,” in : George Tamer (ed.), The Trias of Maimonides/Die Trias des Maimonides (Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 2005), 137-149.
- “Ein symbolischer Anfang der Berliner Aufklärung : Veitel Ephraim, David Fränckel, Aaron Gumpertz und die patriotische Feier in der Synagoge am 28. Dezember 1745,” Judaica. Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums 61 (2005), 193-251.
- “Die zwei Leben der mittelalterlichen hebräischen Wissenschaft,” Kalonymos 8(2) (2005), 6-9 and 8 (3) (2005) 1-5.
- “De la notion de science occidentale à la notion de la science méditerranéenne : les tribulations de l’Introduction arithmétique de Nicomaque de Gérase”, in : Régis Morelon et Ahmad Hasnawi (eds.), De Bagdad à Paris. Hommage à Roshdi Rashed (Paris : Institut du monde arabe, 2006), 138-149.
- “Hélène Metzger (1888-1944)”, in : Jean Gayon and Michel Bitbol (eds.) L’Épistémologie française, 1850-1950 (Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 2006), pp. 113-156.
- “Une rencontre qui n’a pas eu lieu : Le monde juif ashkénaze au XIIe siècle et les sciences,” in : René-Samuel Sirat (ed.), Héritages de Rachi (Paris : Éditions de l’éclat, 2006), 227-240.
- “L’Introduction arithmétique de Nicomaque de Gérase dans les traditions syriaque, arabe et hébraïque,” in R. Goulet (ed.), Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, vol. 4 (Paris : CNRS Édition, 2005), 690-694.
- (with Rémi Brague), “Ni Empédocle, ni Plotin. Pour le dossier du Pseudo-Empédocle arabe”, in : John Dillon and Monique Dixsaut (eds.), Agonistes. Essays in Honour of Denis O’Brien (Aldershot, Hants and Burlington/Vt. : Ashgate, 2005), pp. 267-283.
- “A Twelfth-Century Provençal Amateur of Neoplatonic Philosophy in Hebrew : R. Asher b. Meshullam of Lunel”, Chora 3-4 (2005-2006), pp. 155-182.
- (with Shlomo Sela), “Abraham Ibn Ezra’s Scholarly Writings : A Chronological Listing,” Aleph : Historical Studies in Science & Judaism 6 (2006), 13-55.
- "Hélène Metzger", in Paula Hyman and Dalia Ofer (eds.) Jewish Women : A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia (Jerusalem : Shalvi Publications [on CD ROM], 2006).
- “Hebrew Medieval Science in Zamosc ca. 1730. The Early Years of Rabbi Israel ben Moses Halevy of Zamosc,” in Resianne Fontaine, Andrea Schatz, Irene E. Zwiep (eds.), Sepharad in Ashkenaz. Medieval Learning and Eighteenth-Century Enlightened Jewish Discourse (Amsterdam : Edita KNAW, 2007), 25-67.
- “Ne<.>sa<.>h Yisrael or Re<.>sa<.>h Yisrael ? The Place of Science in R. Israel of Zamosc’s Talmudic Novellae" (Heb.), in : Haim (Howard) Kreisel, ed., Study and Knowledge in Jewish Thought, vol. 2 (Heb.) (The Goldstein-Goren Library of Jewish Thought. Publication no. 5). Beer Sheva : Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press, 2006, pp. 223-235.
- “Maimonides on the Scope of Metaphysics alias Ma’aseh Merkavah : the Evolution of his Views," in Carlos del Valle, Santiago García-Jalón and Juan Pedro Monferrer (eds.), Maimónides y su época(Madrid : Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, 2007), pp. 221-230.
- "Rabbi David Fränckel, Moses Mendelssohn, and the Beginning of the Berlin Haskalah : Reattributing a Patriotic Sermon (1757)," European Journal of Jewish Studies 1:1 (2007) : 3-33.
- “Zamosc, Israel ben Moses Halevy,” Gershon D. Hundert (ed.), YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe (New Haven and London : Yale University Press, 2008), 2:2112-2113.
- “The Medieval Astrologization of The Aristotelian Cosmos : From Alexander of Aphrodisias to Averroes,” Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph (MUSJ) 59 (2006), pp. 29-68.
- “Zamosc, Israel ben Moses ha-Levi,” Encyclopedia Judaica, 2nd Edition (Detroit : Macmillan Reference USA, 2007), vol. 21, pp. 453-454.
- “Jewish Traditionalism and Early Modern Science : Rabbi Israel Zamosc’s Dialectic of the Enlightenment (Berlin, 1744),” in Thinking Impossibilities : The Legacy of Amos Funkenstein, ed. by Robert S. Westman and David Biale (Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2008), pp. 63-96.
- “Abraham Bar Ḥiyya,” The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Third Edition, Part 2007-3 (Leiden : Brill, 2007), pp. 38-39.
- “Samuel Ibn Tibbon’s Avicennian Theory of an Eternal World,” Aleph : Historical Studies in Science and Judaism 8 (2008), pp. 41-129.
- “Four Observations on Maimonides’ Four Celestial Globes (Guide 2:9-10),” in A. Ravitzky (ed.), Maimonides : Conservatism, Originality and Revolution [Hebrew] (Jerusalem : Merkaz Zalman Shazar, 2008), pp. 499-527.
- (With Mauro Zonta) “Remnants of <.>Habib Ibn Bahrîz’s Arabic Translation of Nicomachus of Gerasa’s Introduction to Arithmetic,” in Y.T. Langermann et al. (eds.), Adaptations and Innovations : Studies on the Interaction between Jewish and Islamic Thought and Literature from the Early Middle Ages to the Late Twentieth Century, dedicated to Professor Joel L. Kraemer (Louvain : Éditions Peeters, 2007), pp. 67-82.
- “The Biological Foundations of Intellectual Elitism : Maimonides vs. Al-Fârâbî,” Maimonidean Studies5 (2008), pp. 293-323.
- “Dieu parle-t-il hébreu ?”, Les Cahiers du judaïsme 23 (2008), pp. 4-18.
- “Transfert culturel à Lunel au milieu du douzième siècle : Qu’est-ce qui a motivé les premières traductions provençales de l’arabe en hébreu ?” in : Danielle Iancou-Agou and Élie Nicolas (eds.), Des Tibbonides à Maïmonide : Rayonnement des Juifs andalous en Pays d’Oc médiéval (Paris : Editions du Cerf, 2009), pp. 95-108.
- “Cosmology : The Heavenly Bodies,” in Steven Nadler and Tamar Rudavsky (eds.), The Cambridge History of Jewish Philosophy : From Antiquity through the Seventeenth Century (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009), pp. 302-361.
- (with Mauro Zonta), “Nicomachus of Gerasa in Spain Circa 1100 : Abraham bar Hiyya’s Testimony ,” Aleph 9 (2009), pp. 189-224.
- “The Astrologization of the Aristotelian Cosmos : Celestial Influences on the Sublunary World in Aristotle, Alexander of Aphrodisias, and Averroes,” in : Alan C. Bowen and Christian Wildberg. (eds.), A Companion to Aristotle’s Cosmology : Collected Papers on De Caelo (Leiden : Brill, 2009), pp. 239-281.
- “ ‘Instrumentalism’ and ‘Realism’ as Categories in the History of Astronomy : Duhem vs. Popper, Maimonides vs. Gersonides,” in : Michael Heidelberger and Gregor Schiemann, eds., The Significance of the Hypothetical in the Natural Sciences (Berlin, New York : Walter de Gruyter, 2009), pp. 269-294. (Revised version of no. 68).
- “‘Arav and ’Edom as Cultural Resources of Medieval Judaism : Different Attitudes toward Arabic and Latin Learning in the Midi and in Italy,” in Maria Esperanza Alfonso Carro and Carmen Caballero (eds.), Late Medieval Jewish Identities (New York : Palgrave Macmillan 2010), pp. 123-56.
- “Georg (Jiří) Alter (1891-1972) : Astronomer, Historian of Astronomy, and Musician,” Aleph 11 (2011), pp. 115-156.
- “A Response to Trifogli on Glasner, Averroes’ Physics,” Aestimatio 7 (2010), 78-88.
- “The Kabbalist R. Jacob ben Sheshet of Girona : The Ambivalences of a Moderate Critique of Science (ca. 1240),” in : Temps I Espais de la Girona jueva. Actes del Simposi Internacional celebrat a Girona 23, 24 I 25 de marc de 2009 (= Girona Judaica, vol. 5), (Girona : Patronat Call de Girona, 2011), pp. 287-301.
- “Rabbi David Fränckel, Moses Mendelssohn, and the Beginning of the Berlin Haskalah. Reattributing a Patriotic Sermon (1757). Addenda,” European Journal of Jewish Studies 4 (2011), pp. 315-317 [complements the article with the same title published in EJJS 1 (2007) : 3-33].
- “Hermann Zotenberg (1834-1909) : Le savant qui a réussi à se faire oublier”, Revue des études juives 169 (2010), pp. 487-514.
- “Goremim u-meni‘im be-hiwwa<.>serut tenu‘at ha-targumim be-Lunel ba-me’ah ha-y”b. Yehudah b. Sha’ul Ibn Tibbon u-patronaw R. Meshullam b”R. Ya‘aqov we-R. Asher b”R Meshullam,” (= Causes and reasons for the emergence of the 12th-century translation movement in Lunel. Judah Ibn Tibbon and his patrons R. Meshullam b. Jacob and R. Asher b. Meshullam). In : R. Reiner et al (eds.) Ta-Shma : Studies in Judaica in Memory of Israel M. Ta-Shma (Alon-Shevut : Tevunot Publishing, 2011), pp. 651-72.
- “Introduction : The History of Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures. Toward a Definition of the Agenda”, in G. Freudenthal (ed.), Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures (New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011), pp. 1-10.
- “The Assimilation of Greco-Arabic Learning by Medieval Jewish Cultures : A Brief Bibliographic Introduction,” in G. Freudenthal (ed.), Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures (New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011), pp. 13-16.
- “Arabic and Latin Cultures as Resources for the Hebrew Translation Movement : Comparative Considerations, Both Quantitative and Qualitative,” in G. Freudenthal (ed.), Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures (New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011), pp. 74-105.
- “Medieval Alchemy in Hebrew : A Noted Absence,” in G. Freudenthal (ed.), Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures (New York : Cambridge University Press, in 2011), pp. 343-58.
- (with Reimund Leicht), “Introduction,” to Reimund Leicht and Gad Freudenthal, eds., Studies on Moritz Steinschneider. Moritz Steinschneider and the Emergence of the Science of Judaism in Nineteenth-Century Germany (Boston and Leiden : Brill, 2011), pp. xv-xxxii.
- “The Aim and Structure of Steinschneider’s Die Hebraeischen Übersetzungen des Mittelalters. The Historiographic Underpinnings of a Masterpiece and Their Untoward Consequences,” in Reimund Leicht and Gad Freudenthal, eds., Studies on Moritz Steinschneider. Moritz Steinschneider and the Emergence of the Science of Judaism in Nineteenth-Century Germany (Boston and Leiden : Brill, 2011), pp. 191-211.
- "Averroes’ Changing Mind on the Role of the Active Intellect in the Generation of Animate Beings," in : Ahmed Hasnawi (ed.), La lumière de l’intellect. La pensée scientifique et philosophique d’Averroès dans son temps (Louvain-Paris : Éditions Peeters, 2011), pp.319-328.
- “Arabic into Hebrew. The Emergence of the Translation Movement in Twelfth-Century Provence and Jewish-Christian Polemic,” in : Border Crossings : Interreligious Interaction and the Exchange of Ideas in the Islamic Middle Ages, David Freidenreich and Miriam Goldstein, eds., (Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011), pp. 124-143.