Cultures of Computation and Quantification in the Ancient World.

Cultures of Computation and Quantification in the Ancient World.

K. Chemla, A. Keller, C. Proust, (dir.), Springer, coll. Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter, 2023

“Offers an approach to the diversity of scientific cultures based on case studies dealing with mathematical sources”.
“Links the history of mathematics to the history of ancient worlds.”
”Sheds a new light on the history of place-value systems.”

“This book sheds light on the variety of mathematical cultures in general. To do so, it concentrates on cultures of computation and quantification in the ancient world, mainly in ancient China, South Asia, and the Ancient Near East and offers case studies focused on numbers, quantities, and operations, in particular in relation to mathematics as well as administrative and economic activities.
The various chapters focus on the different ways and contexts of shaping numbers and quantities, and on the procedures applied to them. The book places special emphasis on the processes of emergence of place-value number systems, evidenced in the three geographical areas under study All these features yield essential elements that will enable historians of mathematics to further capture the diversity of computation practices in their contexts, whereas previous historical approaches have tended to emphasize elements that displayed uniformity within “civilizational” blocks. The book includes editions and translations of texts, some of them published here for the first time, maps, and conventions for editions of ancient texts. It thereby offers primary sources and methodological tools for teaching and learning.
The volume is aimed at historians and philosophers of science and mathematics, historians of the ancient worlds, historians of economics, sinologists, indologists, assyriologists, as well as undergraduate, graduate students and teachers in mathematics, the history and philosophy of science and mathematics, and in the history of ancient worlds”.
Springer Cham, collection ”Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter”

2 janvier 2023 ; pages : X, 765 (284 b/w illustrations, 48 illustrations couleur)


Hardcover ISBN978-3-030-98360-4, Softcover ISBN978-3-030-98363-5, eBook ISBN978-3-030-98361-1Published : 01 January 2023 ; Series ISSN 2662-9933, Series E-ISSN 2662-9941

Thèmes : Histoire des sciences, Épistémologie, Histoire des sciences mathématiques, Histoire de l’Asie, Histoire de l’Asie du sud


Part I : Shaping Quantities and Relating them to Numbers

Part II : Interpreting Numbers and Quantities in Texts

PartIII : Working with Operations and Algorithms

Part IV : Different Cultures of Computation and Quantification

Mots-clés : Histoire des cultures mathématiques - Histoire des pratiques administratives et économiques – Histoire et philosophie du nombre – Cultures du calcul – Opérations et algorithmes – Diyala

Posted in Publications.