Directeur de recherches - CNRS
Thèmes de recherche
Histoire et Philosophie des mathématiques ; Histoire de la notion d’espace ; Phénoménologie et théorie de la perception ; Histoire de la métaphysique ; Leibniz ; Kant.
Mon champ de recherche privilégié est l’histoire de l’épistémologie, avec une attention particulière au rapport existant entre la philosophie de l’Âge Classique et l’histoire des mathématiques. Plus précisément, j’ai étudié les fondements de la géométrie dans l’Antiquité, le Moyen Âge et l’époque moderne, ainsi que les interactions entre l’histoire de la géométrie et l’évolution de la métaphysique de l’espace.
Mon point de vue a été largement influencé par le néo-kantisme (notamment par l’approche de Cassirer à l’histoire de la science et la philosophie des débuts de l’époque moderne) ; je suis particulièrement intéressé aux relations entre théories de la connaissance (portant sur la perception sensible, l’imagination, l’innéisme, l’abstraction etc.), certaines théories métaphysiques (par exemple, l’ontologie des objets mathématiques, la quantification de la matière première comme condition de la mathématisation du monde et la naissance de l’idéalisme), et l’évolution des fondements de la science (par exemple, les axiomes de la géométrie, la théorie de la continuité, l’évènement de conceptions non euclidiennes de l’espace).
Pour ce qui concerne l’histoire de la philosophie, mes publications et mes recherches portent surtout sur Leibniz, alors que pour ce qui concerne l’histoire des mathématiques (et de l’épistémologie mathématique) mes recherches se sont concentrées sur l’évolution de l’axiomatique entre l’Antiquité et la première Modernité, ainsi que sur la naissance de la géométrie non euclidienne. Je suis familier de l’histoire de la métaphysique, et j’ai eu l’occasion de travailler sur un certain nombre de philosophes et mathématiciens de la Renaissance, sur Descartes et les courants cartésiennes et leibniziennes du 18e siècle, ainsi que sur Kant. Plus récemment, j’ai élargie mes recherches sur les fondements de la géométrie à l’Antiquité (Aristote, Plotin, Proclus), ainsi qu’au Moyen Âge arabe.
2023 - présent
Directeur de recherche au CNRS
Chargé de recherché (CR1) au CNRS.
Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Leibniz Professor, Visiting Full Professorship, Research Academy, University of Leipzig
Research Associate, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Leipzig
Independent Research Group Director, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Max Planck Research Group on “Modern Geometry and the Concept of Space”
Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Technische Universität, Berlin
Chargé de recherche en Logique et philosophie des sciences, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Chercheur postdoctoral en Histoire de la logique, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Ph.D. (Perfezionamento) en Philosophie, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (cum laude)
("Leibniz’s Geometry and Philosophy of Space". Advisors : M. Mugnai (SNS), M. Friedman (Stanford University), R. Arthur (McMaster University), E. Knobloch (Technische Universität Berlin))
M.A. (Laurea) en Mathématiques, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma (110/110)
("Thurston’s Geometrization Conjecture". Advisors : C. De Concini, C. Petronio)
M.A. (Laurea) en Philosophie, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma (cum laude)
("Theory of Essence in Hegel’s Logic". Advisors : G. Sasso, M.M. Olivetti)
Maturità Classica (60/60)
Médaille de bronze du CNRS, medal for research excellence in France
Guidobaldo dal Monte Medal, Università di Urbino
Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Paris
Committee : K. Chemla (CNRS), M. Friedman (Stanford), D. Garber (Princeton), J. Gray
(London), O. Harari (Tel Aviv), M. Panza (CNRS), S. Rommevaux (CNRS).
Habilitated as an Full Professor in Philosophy of Science in Italy
Whitney J. Oates Fellow in the Humanities Council, Princeton University
Visiting Professor, Suppes Center for History and Philosophy of Science, Stanford University
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Logic and Phil. of Science, University of California Irvine (USA)
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, Università di Urbino (Italie)
Visiting Professor, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italie)
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of History and Philosophy of Science, Pittsburgh University (USA)
DAAD Forschungsstipendium, Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover (Allemagne)
Boursier au Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici, Napoli (Italie)
Shortlisted for the Society of Fellows at Princeton University (2006), and for Professorships in Early Modern Philosophy at the Universities of Notre Dame and Chicago, USA (2016).
- Space, Geometry and the Imagination from Antiquity to the Early Modern Age, une coopération entre le Max Planck Institute for the History of Science et le Centro di Ricerca Matematica “Ennio De Giorgi” (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa), Berlin ; 27-29 Août 2012 - with Henry Mendell, Alexander Jones, David Rabouin, Franco Farinelli, Gary Hatfield, Douglas Jesseph, Andrew Janiak, Daniel Garber, Graciela De Pierris, Jeremy Gray, Michael Friedman
- (avec Massimo Mugnai) Geometry and Logic : The Shape of Mathematical Proofs from Antiquity to the Early Modern Age, une coopération entre le Max Planck Institute for the History of Science et le Centro di Ricerca Matematica “Ennio De Giorgi” (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa), Pisa ; 17-19 Juin 2013 - with Ken Saito, Monica Ugaglia, Heike Sefrin-Weis, Orna Harari, Roshdi Rashed, Sabine Rommevaux, Paolo Freguglia, Paolo Mancosu, Massimo Mugnai, Alison Laywine, Andrew Arana, Victor Pambuccian, Claudio Bartocci
- The Mechanization of Geometry from Antiquity to the Early Modern Age, une coopération entre le Max Planck Institute for the History of Science et le Centro di Ricerca Matematica “Ennio De Giorgi” (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa), Berlin ; 23-25 Juin 2014 - with Reviel Netz, Antoni Malet, Marco Panza, Daniel Garber, Richard Arthur, George Smith, Helmut Pulte, Michael Friedman, Matthias Schemmel, Angela Axworthy
- (avec Jürgen Jost) Leibniz and Geometry, une coopération entre le Max Planck Institute for the History of Science et le Max Planck Institute for the Mathematics in the Sciences (Leipzig), Leipzig ; 30 Juin – 1 Juillet 2014 - with Eberhard Knobloch, Siegmund Probst, David Rabouin, Valérie Debuiche, Daniel Garber, Richard Arthur, Edward Slowik, Massimo Mugnai, Vincenzo De Risi
- The Science of Space in the Early Modern Age, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin ; 6-8 July 2015 - with John Mumma, David M. Miller, Marius Stan, Valérie Debuiche, Delphine Bellis, Davide Crippa, Tal Glezer, Tzuchien Tho, Angela Axworthy
- (avec Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer et al.) Theatrum naturae et artium. Leibniz und die Schauplätze der Aufklärung, une coopération entre le Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Leipzig) et l’Université de Leipzig, Leipzig ; 28-30 Septembre 2016 - with Robert Brandom, Maria Rosa Antognazza, Helmut Pulte, Ursula Goldenbaum, Monika Fick, Karin Reich, Mogens Lærke, Martin Mulsow, Veronika Albrecht-Birkner, Friedemann Stengel, Michael Multhammer, Udo Sträter, Vincenzo De Risi, Siegmund Probst, David Rabouin, Enrico Pasini, Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer, Daniel Fulda, Anett Lütteken, Wolfram Malte Fues, Ingo Uhlig, Nadja Reinhard, Avi Lifschitz, Andreas Erb, Friedrich Waitz von Eschen, Hans Poser, Wenchao Li, Clemens Schwaiger, Marie-Hélène Quéval, Günther Arnold, Stefan Lorenz, Gregory Grämiger, Karin Löffler, Flemming Schock, Martin Saar, Andreas Blank, Luca Basso, Ansgar Lyssy, Alexandra Lewendoski, Eberhard Knobloch, Paolo Bussotti, Tzuchien Tho, Paolo Rubini, Harald Siebert
- (avec Jürgen Jost) Leibniz and the Sciences, une coopération entre le Max Planck Institute for the Mathematics in the Sciences (Leipzig) et l’Université de Leipzig, Leipzig ; 14-16 Novembre 2016 - with Eberhard Knobloch, Daniel Garber, Richard Arthur, Maria Rosa Antognazza, François Duchesneau, Justin Halldör Smith, Philip Beeley, André Wakefield, Martin Carrier, Jürgen Jost, Claus Kiefer
- (with Karine Chemla and Antoni Malet) Mathematics and its Ancient Classics Worldwide : Translations, Appropriations, Reconstructions, Roles, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. Oberwolfach, May 30-June 5, 2021 - with Naomi Aradi, Angela Axworthy, Philip Beeley, Sandra Bella, Sonja Brentjes, Karine Chemla, Sara Confalonieri, Pascal Crozet, Serafina Cuomo, Vincenzo De Risi, Michael N. Fried, Veronica Gavagna, Niccolò Guicciardini, Qi Han, Orna Harari, Jens Hoyrup, Matthieu Husson, Abram Kaplan, Zeinab Karimian, Agathe Keller, Eunsoo Lee, Antoni Malet, Thomas Morel, Razieh Mousavi, Pier Daniele Napolitani, Yelda Nasifoglu, Jeffrey A. Oaks, Shuyuan Pan, Jeanne Peiffer, Arilès Remaki, Courtney Ann Roby, Sabine Rommevaux, Eleonora Sammarchi, Ivahn Smadja, Ksenia Tatarchenko, Alexis Trouillot, Alexei Volkov, Roy Wagner, Xiaofei Wang, Xiahoan Zhou, Benjamin Wilck, Idit Chikurel, Nicholas Michel, Michael Friedman, Gianluca Longa, Riccardo Bellé, Gregg De Young, Reviel Netz, Mordechai Feingold, Catherine Goldstein, Yiwen Zhu
- Max Planck Colloquium 2011-2015, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - with Marius Stan, Alison Laywine, David Miller, Michael Friedman, Delphine Bellis, Valérie Debuiche, Bernardo Mota, John Mumma, Pietro Omodeo, Andrew Arana, Matthias Schemmel, Francesca Biagioli, Fabio Acerbi, Tal Glezer, Henny Blomme, Davide Crippa, Angela Axworthy, Henry Zepeda, Tzuchien Tho, Jacqueline Feke, Eduardo Giovannini, Claudio Bartocci, Sabine Rommevaux, Sara Confalonieri, Luca Guzzardi, Thomas Morel, Athanase Papadopoulos, Paolo Mancosu, Katherine Dunlop, Daniel Sutherland, Tawrin Baker, Hannes Matthiessen, Eunsoo Lee, Nabeel Hamid.
- Kant and the Euclidean Tradition, MPIWG ; 24 Avril 2013 - with Daniel Sutherland, Jeremy Heis, Erik Banks
- J.H. Lambert : Science and Epistemology, MPIWG ; 25 Avril 2013 - with Alison Laywine, Thomas Morel, Marteen Bullynck, Norbert Schappacher, Christophe Eckes, Paola Basso
- Finite Geometry, Indivisibles and Minima from the Middle Age to the 18th Century, MPIWG ; 29 Mai 2013 with Sander De Boer, Angelika Bönker-Vallon, Richard T.W. Arthur, Douglas Jesseph
- (avec Angela Axworthy) Geometrical, Astronomical and Geographical Notions of Space in the Renaissance, MPIWG ; 19 Mai 2014. with Matthias Schemmel, Henrique Leitao, Adam Mosley, Jean-Marc Besse, Anna De Pace, Michela Malpangotto
- (avec Marco Panza et Davide Crippa) Wallis and Barrow on Geometry and Space, Université Paris Diderot - MPIWG ; 26 May 2015 et 12 Juin 2015. with Philip Beeley, Niccolò Guicciardini, Jesper Lützen, Antoni Malet, Marco Panza, Siegmund Probst, Edward Slowik, Moredechai Feingold, Ian Stewart
- (avec Jürgen Jost et Wenchao Li) Leibniz Summer School, Leipzig-Hannover ; 7-16 Juillet 2016. with Daniel Garber, Maria Rosa Antognazza, Massimo Mugnai, Justin Smith, Vincenzo De Risi, Donald Rutherford
- (avec Jürgen Jost) Summer School on the Foundations of Geometry in Historical Perspective, Leipzig ; 2-7 Juillet 2018, with Daniel Garber, Mathieu Gibier, Andrea Costa, Enrico Pasini, François Duchesneau
- Euclid on the Road : Cross-Cultural Transmission, Translation and Transformation of the Elements, MPIWG and SPHere. Berlin, October 29, 2018 / Paris, April 19, 2019 / Paris, December 13, 2019, with Karine Chemla, Angela Axworthy, Jens Braarvig, Shuyuan Pan, Sonja Brentjes, Michalis Sialaros, Antoni Malet, Bernard Vitrac, Ugo Baldini, Eberhard Knobloch, Sabine Rommevaux, Shin Higashi.
- (with Michael Friedman) Mathematics and Metaphysics in Lambert and Kant, Suppes Center for History and Philosophy of Science, Stanford University. Stanford, March 1, 2019, with Michael Friedman, Vincenzo De Risi, Daniel Sutherland, Jeremy Heis, Alison Laywine
- (with Mario Piazza and Fabrizio Amerini) Logic, Ethics, and Modalities, Scuola Normale Superiore. Pisa, May 21, 2019, with Maria Rosa Antognazza, Calvin Normore, Fabrizio Mondadori, Carla Bagnoli
- (with Andrew Arana and Paola Cantù) Hilbert on the Foundations of Geometry, Laboratoire SPHere. Paris, June 8, 2019, with Jamie Tappenden, Michael Detlefsen, Victor Pambuccian, Andrew Arana
- (with Jürgen Jost) Summer School on the History of Space in Mathematics and Physics, MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences. Leipzig, June 29 – July 4, 2020. [postponed]with Richard Ellis, Michael Friedman, Robert DiSalle, Jeffrey Weeks, Brigitte Falkenburg, Vincenzo De Risi, Jürgen Jost
- The Principles of Demonstration in the Aristotelian Tradition. Greek, Arabic and Latin Interpretations of the Posterior Analytics, Laboratoire SPHere. Paris, June 17, 2021, with Orna Harari, Riccardo Strobino, Amos Corbini
- Les théories des axiomes au XVIIe siècle, Laboratoire SPHère. Paris, June 13, 2022, with Élodie Cassan, Mogens Laerke, Arnaud Pelletier, Dana Jalobeanu, Vincenzo De Risi
- Optics in the Seventeenth Century : New Perspectives, Laboratoire SPHère. Paris, October 7, 2022, with Franco Giudice, Sophie Roux, Domenico Collacciani, Delphine Bellis, Dominique Raynaud
- LESSICO INTELLETTUALE EUROPEO , ROMA ; January 30-31, 2008 : conference Sphaera : Forma Immagine e Metafora fra Medioevo e Età Moderna.
“Spazio sferico e geometria della percezione” - ARCHIVES HENRI POINCARÉ, NANCY ; April 3-5, 2008 : conference The Reception of Leibniz in Science and Philosophy of Science 1800-2000.
“Time and Motion in Leibniz’s Metaphysics : the debate between Hans Reichenbach and Dietrich Mahnke”. - SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE , PISA ; July 28-31, 2008 : Corso di Orientamento alla Laurea Magistrale.
“La nascita del concetto moderno di spazio e la teoria della prospettiva” - UNIVERSITÀ DI BERGAMO ; May 20-22, 2009 : conference Clio and Minerva : The Relations Between History and Philosophy of Science.
Invited discussant with Michael Friedman and George Smith. - MATHEMATISCHES FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT , OBERWOLFACH ; October 26-30, 2009. Workshop on Mathematical Symbolism.
- UNIVERSITÀ “LA SAPIENZA”, ROMA ; December 16, 2009 : talk at the Philosophy Department.
“Kant e la geometria” - ÉCOLE NORMALE SUPÉRIEURE , PARIS ; March 8-10, 2010 : conference Intersections between Mathematics and Philosophy in the Thought of Leibniz.
“Leibniz and Kant on the Parallel Postulate” - UNIVERSITÀ DI PISA ; May 22-26, 2010 : XI. Internationaler Kant-Kongress.
“The Kantian Proof of the Fifth Postulate” - UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROT ; May 30, 2011.
Discussant in a Reading Seminar on my book Geometry and Monadology, with D. Rabouin, J.-P- Anfray, J.-P. Alcantara, V. Debuiche - VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT AMSTERDAM ; August 2-5, 2011 : conference The Classical Model of Science.
“Proving an Axiom qua Axiom. On the Mathematical Epistemology of Gerolamo Saccheri” - HANNOVER UNIVERSITÄT ; September 26-30, 2011 : IX. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress.
“Leibniz’s Analysis Situs and the Localization of Monads” - HERZLIYA , ISRAEL ; October 24-27, 2011 : Fechner Day 2011.
“Imagination and Geometry : Remarks on Kant’s Theory of Space Perception” - NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY (USA) ; November 3-6, 2011 : Midwest PhilMath Workshop.
“Proving an Axiom qua Axiom. On the Mathematical Epistemology of Gerolamo Saccheri” - ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI STUDI SUL RINASCIMENTO , FIRENZE ; December 15-17, 2011 : conference Il concetto di ’potenza’ in età moderna.
“Potenzialità e attualità degli oggetti geometrici nella prima età moderna” - MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE , BERLIN ; April 14, 2012 : Institute Colloquium.
“The meaning of mathematical principles in the Early Modern Age : Philosophy and Mathematics” - OBSERVATOIRE DE PARIS AND UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROT ; June 21-23, 2012 : conference Spaces, Knots and Bonds : at the crossroads between early modern “magic” and “science”.
“The Birth of Space in the Renaissance : from Metaphysics to Geometry” - LESSICO INTELLETTUALE EUROPEO, ROMA ; January 3-5, 2013 : Locus/Spatium : XIV International Colloquium.
“Francesco Patrizi e la nuova geometria dello spazio” - CENTRE D’HISTOIRE DES SCIENCES ET DES PHILOSOPHIES ARABES ET MÉDIÉVALES , PARIS ; March 21, 2013 : seminar Philosophy and Mathematics.
“The Arabic Attempts to Prove the Parallel Postulate and their Early Modern Reception” - LEIBNIZ-ARCHIV, HANNOVER ; May 2, 2013.
“Leibniz’s unpublished papers on the Parallel Postulate”. - UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROT ; June 4, 2013 : PhilMath Intersem 4.
“What does it mean to (indirectly) prove the Parallel Postulate ? Some developments in mathematical epistemology from Euclid to Lambert” - SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE , PISA ; October 28, 2012 : Inaugural lecture of the Sodalitas Leibnitiana.
“Multa tentavi, et video ne hoc quidem facile demonstrari posse. Leibniz e il postulato delle parallele” - UNIVERSITÀ DI URBINO ; October 29-31, 2013 : conference Mathematics, Physics and Logic at the Crossroads. II. Berlin-Urbino Workshop.
“Leibniz’ theory of time and causality” - SISSA, TRIESTE ; November 14-16, 2013 ; conference Ideas of point.
“Constitui, dico, non componi. Leibniz on points and space” - BERGISCHE UNIVERSITÄT WUPPERTAL ; April 16-17, 2014 : seminar of the Interdisziplinäre Zentrum für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung.
“Mathematizing Space. The object of geometry from figures to space” - ÉCOLE NORMALE SUPÉRIEURE, PARIS ; June 2, 2014 : seminar Philosophie et mathématiques.
“Mathematizing Space. The object of geometry from figures to space” - UNIVERSITEIT GHENT ; July 3-6, 2014 : HOPOS 2014.
“Leibniz and non-Euclidean Geometry” - HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITÄT, BERLIN ; July 10-12, 2014 : conference Aspects of Apollonius’ Conic Sections of the Excellence Cluster TOPOI.
“Apollonius’s Book Six of the Conics and its Reception in the Early Modern Age” - STANFORD UNIVERSITY ; February 6, 2015. Conference Leibniz’s World at the Suppes Center for History and Philosophy of Science.
“Leibniz and the Localization of Monads” - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE ; February 13, 2015 : talk at the LPS Department.
“Leibniz’s Geometry of Space” - MC GILL UNIVERSITY, MONTRÉAL ; February 20, 2015 : talk at the Philosophy Department.
“The Foundations of Geometry in the Early Modern Period” - MC MASTER UNIVERSITY, HAMILTON (Canada) ; February 27, 2015 : McMaster Speaker Series.
“The Development of Euclidean Axiomatics”, - PRINCETON UNIVERSITY ; March 26, 2015 : talk at the Philosophy Department.
“Leibniz’ Epistemology of Geometry” - HISTORY OF SCIENCE SOCIETY OF COPENHAGEN ; June 16, 2015.
“Lambert’s Theory of Definitions” - UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROT ; June 15, 2015 : conference Les éditions et réécritures des Eléments d’Euclide et la question des fondements.
“Axioms and Postulates in Early Modern Edition of the Elements” - ARCHIVES HENRI POINCARÉ, Nancy ; June 25-25, 2015 : conference 1750-1850 : ruptures et continuities en géométrie.
“The Theory of Parallels in 18th-century Germany” - UNESCO, PARIS ; September 14-15, 2015 : conference The Islamic Golden Age of Science for an actual knowledge-based society.
“Ibn al-Haytham on the Foundations of Geometry” - NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY (USA) ; February 12, 2016 : talk at the Philosophy Department.
“Magnitude and Structure : Geometry and Philosophy of Space in the Early Modern Age”, - PRINCETON UNIVERSITY ; March 4, 2016 : talk at the Philosophy Department.
“Leibniz’s Theory of Space” - UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST ; March 15-18, 2016 : Bucharest Master Class on “Principles in Early Modern Thought”.
“The Meaning of Principles in Ancient Mathematical Texts” - UNIVERSITÀ DI TRENTO ; May 23, 2016 : conference Calculemus : Philosophical visions for Mathematics.
“Leibniz and non-Euclidean Geometry” - UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROT ; June 2, 2016 : PhilMath Intersem 7
“The Axiomatization of Space in the Modern Editions of Euclid’s Elements” - OXFORD UNIVERSITY ; June 9, 2016 : conference John Wallis (1616-1703). Mathematics, Music Theory, and Cryptography in 17th Century Oxford.
“John Wallis on the Foundations of Geometry” - TEL A VIV UNIVERSITY ; June 20-23, 2016 : Critical Connections - An International Kant Conference.
“Kant’s Theory of Space and Empirical Schematism” - HANNOVER UNIVERSITÄT ; July 18-23, 2016 : X. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress
“Leibniz on the Continuity of Space” - U NIVERSITÀ DI M ILANO ; October 7-8, 2016 : conference Leibniz and the Sciences.
“Leibniz on the Continuity of Space” - U NIVERSITÀ DI P AVIA ; October 9, 2016 : UMI Conference.
“Saccheri’s spherical geometry” - H UMBOLDT U NIVERSITÄT B ERLIN ; November 17-18, 2016 : conference On Mathemata : Commenting on Ancient Greek and Arabic Mathematical Texts.
“The Early Modern Editions of Euclid” - SARTON CENTER FOR HISTORY OF SCIENCE, GHENT ; February 2, 2017.
“Francesco Patrizi’s Influence on the Thought of Newton” - UNIVERSITÀ DI MILANO ; April 12, 2017 : talk at the Philosophy Department.
“Diagrams and Proofs in Euclid” - UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROT ; May 19, 2017 : conference Mathématiques arabes et Mathématiques à la Renaissance.
“The use of movement in geometry from Antiquity to the Renaissance” - COHN INSTITUTE, TEL AVIV ; June 12, 2017.
“Salomon Maimon, neo-Kantianism, and the Early Reception of Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics” - FREIE UNIVERSITÄT, BERLIN ; June 29 - July 1, 2017 : conference Visual Reasoning and Intuition in Mathematics.
“Kant on Synthetic a priori Judgments and Diagrammatic Inferences” - UNIVERSITÀ DI TRENTO ; July 13-14, 2017 : Trento Master Class on Philosophy of Mathematics : History, Theories and Practice.
“The Meaning of Axioms from Antiquity to the Early Modern Age” - ARCHIVES HENRI POINCARÉ, NANCY ; October 5-7, 2017 : French PhilMath Workshop 9.
“Space and Figure : Diagrammatic Inferences and the Foundations of Geometry in the Early Modern Age” - IHPST, PARIS ; October 16, 2017.
“Continuity and the Foundations of Geometry : The Euclidean Tradition” - UNIVERSITY OF KOBE, JAPAN ; November 17, 2017.
“Mathematizing Space. The Metaphysics of Space and its Relation with Geometry in the Early Modern Age” - JAPANESE LEIBNIZ SOCIETY, TOKYO ; November 19, 2017.
“Leibniz’s Analysis Situs and the Localization of Monads” - UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO ; November 20, 2017.
“Proving Axioms in the Early Modern Age : Leibniz’s Program” - A LL SOULS COLLEGE, OXFORD ; December 14-15, 2017 : conference Reading Euclid in the early modern world.
“The Development of Euclidean Axiomatics” - COLLÈGE INTERNATIONAL DE PHILOSOPHIE, PARIS ; January 25-27, 2018 : conference When form becomes substance : power of gestures, diagrammatical intuition and phenomenology of space.
“The Axiomatization of Space in the Early Modern Age” - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE ; February 7, 2018 : talk at the HPS Department.
“On the Transformation of Diagrams in Early Modern Mathematical Texts” - STANFORD UNIVERSITY ; February 27, 2018 : talk at the Philosophy Department.
“Drawing Lines through Rivers and Cities : Postulates in Ancient Mathematics” - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE ; March 2, 2018 : talk at the HPS Department.
“On the Meaning of Ancient Postulates”
` - ALL SOULS COLLEGE, OXFORD ; April 19-20, 2018 : conference Reading Mathematics in the Early Modern World.
“Continuity and the foundations of geometry : the Euclidean tradition” - UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL ; April 23, 2018 : conference Leibniz & the Foundations of Physics.
“Leibniz’s True Motion and Newton’s Absolute Space” - OXFORD UNIVERSITY ; June 9, 2018 : conference From Space to Spacetime of the Centre for the History and Philosophy of Physics.
“From Substance to Function : the Structure of Space in Leibniz and Newton” - GRONINGEN UNIVERSITEIT ; July 9-12, 2018 : HOPOS 2018.
“From Definitions to Axioms : The Meaning of Geometrical Principles from Euclid to Hilbert” - VIENNA UNIVERSITÄT ; November 15, 2018 : Science Café
“Johann Lambert’s Epistemology of Axioms” - LABORATOIRE SPHere , PARIS ; November 19-23, 2018 : Seminaire Histoire des mathématiques.
“Gaps in Lines and Proofs : Euclid’s Theory of Intersections” - LABORATOIRE SPHere, PARIS ; January 14, 2019 : Seminaire Histoire des sciences.
“Jean-Marie Legendre on the Foundations of Geometry” - PITZER COLLEGE, CALIFORNIA ; February 11, 2019 : Orange County Seminar in Philosophy of Mathematics.
“Motion and Isotropy in Euclidean Geometry” - CHAPMAN UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA ; February 12, 2019 : talk at the Philosophy Department
“Euclidean and Modern Geometry” - STANFORD UNIVERSITY ; March 1st, 2019 : conference Mathematics and Metaphysics in Lambert and Kant of the Suppes Center for History and Philosophy of Science.
“Lambert’s Phenomenology” - UNIVERSITÀ DI VENEZIA ; May 30, 2019 : conference Ordering the world : Logical and epistemological perspectives on science, nature and society.
“The meaning and evolution of the notion of a Postulate in geometry” - OXFORD UNIVERSITY ; June 3-4, 2019 : conference Reading the Classics of Science : historical and anthropological perspectives.
“Leibniz Reader of Euclid” - VIENNA UNIVERSITÄT ; August 1-3, 2019 : conference Origins of Structuralism.
“Leibniz, Lambert and the 18th-Century Origins of Structuralism” - UNIVERSITY OF PRAGUE ; August 12-16, 2019 : plenary talk at the Logic Colloquium (Summer Meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic).
“History of Logic and History of Geometry” - UNIVERSITÉ DE STRASBOURG ; September 23, 2019 : talk at the Mathematics Department.
“Diagram-based practices in Ancient Mathematics” - LABORATOIRE SPHere, PARIS ; September 28-29, 2019 : conference Leibniz’s Principle of Identity of Indiscernibles and its Repercussion in Physics and Mathematics.
“Glückliche Zeiten. Leibniz’s principle of indiscernibles and the symmetries of space” - UNIVERSITÉ DE NANTES ; November 22, 2019.
“Space and Geometry in the Renaissance” - ETH, ZURICH ; January 18-21, 2020 : plenary talk at the 2020 conference of the Association for the History of Mathematical Practice.
“Mathematical Practice and the History of Epistemology” - LABORATOIRE SPHere, PARIS ; February 14, 2020 : Seminaire Histoire des mathématiques.
“The Discovery of non-Euclidean Geometry. Johann Lambert and Modern Axiomatics” [cancelled] - KU NIJMEGEN ; June 5, 2020 : talk at the Philosophy Department.
“Francesco Patrizi’s Atomism” - VIENNA UNIVERSITÄT ; February 24-26, 2021 : conference Modern Geometry - Origins and Foundations.
“Theories of Angles and Euclid’s Fourth Postulate” - PARIS SORBONNE ; March 25-27, 2021 : Quatrième congrès de la Société d’études leibniziennes de langue française
“Leibniz lecteur d’Euclide” - MATHEMATISCHES FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT OBERWOLFACH ; May 30- June 5, 2021 : Mathematics and its Ancient Classics Worldwide : Translations, Appropriations, Reconstructions, Roles.
“The Paradigm of Science : Axiomatic Methods in the Euclidean Tradition” - ETH, ZÜRICH ; June 24-25, 2021 : conference The Development of 19 th-Century Geometrical Knowledge : Projective Geometry, Duality, Reflection
“The Discovery of Non-Euclidean Geometry” - CHAPMAN UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA ; June 30- July 3, 2021 : Sixth International Conference of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice.
“Common Axioms in Euclid and Aristotle” - UNIVERSITÀ DI ROMA “LA SAPIENZA ” ; September 30- October 1, 2021 : conference Borelli, Reloaded : Contexts and Networks in Seventeenth Century Italy.
“Euclides Pervolutus. Borelli on the Foundations of Geometry” - UNIVERSITÀ DI TRENTO ; October 14 : talk at the Philosophy Department.
“Diagrams in Mathematics” - UNIVERSITÀ DI VENEZIA ; November 2 : talk at the Philosophy Department.
“A History of Diagrams in Geometry” - LABORATOIRE SPHere , P ARIS ; November 17, 2021 : talk at the Atelier Mathesis
“A Survey of Leibniz’ Unpublished Manuscripts on Analysis Situs from the 1680s” - VIENNA UNIVERSITÄT ; January 13-15, 2022 : conference Modern Geometry - Origins and Foundations (Part 2).
“The Discovery of Non-Euclidean Geometry and the Beginnings of Modern Mathematics” - LABORATOIRE SPHere / CHAIRE D ’EXCELLENCE BLAISE PASCAL, PARIS : February 17, 2022.
“The Infinite in the Foundations of Geometry from Kant to Gauss” - PRINCETON-BUCHAREST SEMINAR IN EARLY MODERN PHILOSOPHY ; March 15, 2022.
“A Hidden Source of Leibniz’ Theory of Space” - UNIVERSITÀ DI MILANO ; March 16, 2022 : talk at the Philosophy Department.
“Newton e la genesi dello spazio leibniziano” - UNIVERSITÀ DI MILANO ; March 17, 2022 : Seminar “Federigo Enriques”.
“Figure tracciate nell’acqua. Lo sviluppo dell’assiomatica da Euclide a Gauss.” - HARVARD UNIVERSITY, BOSTON ; March 29, 2022 : talk at the Philosophy Department.
“Leibniz’ Theory of Space” - PRINCETON UNIVERSITY ; April 4 - 8, 2022 : Whitney J. Oates Lectures at the Council of Humanities.
“Picturing Mathematicians : A History of Geometrical Diagrams and Philosophy of Space”
“The Paradigm of Science : Axiomatic Methods from Euclid to Gauss”
“The Anatomy of Space : Pure Intuition and Non-Analytic Judgments in Lambert and Kant” - LABORATOIRE SPHere, PARIS ; May 4, 2022 : talk at the Atelier Mathesis
“The Birth of Leibniz’ Relational Theory of Space” - UNIVERSITÀ DI URBINO ; May 12, 2022 : lectio magistralis
“Picturing Mathematics” - MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUT FÜR MATHEMATIK IN DER WISSENSCHAFTEN, LEIPZIG ; May 16-25, 2022 : conference Mathematical Concepts in the Sciences and Humanities
“Leibniz’ Theory of Space” - UNIVERSITÉ AIX-MARSEILLE AND CENTRE GILLES GASTON GRANGER, MARSEILLE ; May 23-24, 2022 : workshop Axiomatic Definitions
“Leibniz’ Real and Essential Definitions” - UNIVERSITÉ DE PARIS CITÉ ; June 7, 2022 : PhilMath Intersem 12
“Common Axioms in Euclid and Aristotle” - LABORATOIRE SPHere, PARIS ; June 13, 2022 : workshop Les théories des axiomes au XVIIe siècle
“The Axiomatic Method in Late Scholasticism” - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE ; June 20-23, 2022 : conference HOPOS
“Leibniz : from Absolute Space to Relational Space” - UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ; October 17, 2022 : talk at the Philosophy Department.
“Towards a History of Axioms in Mathematics” - DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE OF THE KU LEUVEN ; November 18, 2022 : workshop Premodern Mathematical Thought
“The Theory of Axioms in the Middle Ages”
- Chief Editor of the Series Frontiers in the History of Science, Birkhäuser (7 volumes currently in preparation, 1 volume published).
- Guest Editor in chief of volumes VII, 9-11 (Geometrical Papers, 1677-1716) of the Academy Edition of Leibniz’s Gesammelte Werke (Leibniz-Archiv Hannover ; Göttingen Akademie der Wissenschaften ; Berlin Akademie der Wissenschaften).
- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Arabic Sciences and Philosophy (Cambridge University Press).
- Member of the Advisory Board of the journal Physis. Journal of the Italian Society for the History of Science (Firenze, Olschki).
- Member of the Comité d’evaluation 27 “Culture, Création, Patrimoine” of the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche.
- Board member of the GDR “Histoire des mathématiques”, France.
- Member of the Director’s Board of the Laboratoire SPHère (CNRS).
- Organizer of the series of seminars “Histoire des mathématiques de l’antiquité à l’âge classique” (with P. Crozet and S. Rommevaux) and “Axiomes et definitions” (with A. Arana, P. Cantù, G. Crocco), CNRS, France.
- Co-organizer of the Seminaire Henri Poincaré in Paris.
- Responsible (with S. Rommevaux) of the seminars offered by SPHere at the Master Program in History of Mathematics of the Université de Paris (2017-2020).
- Board Member of the Sodalitas Leibnitiana (Italian Leibniz Society). Member of the Société d’études leibniziennes de langue française. Member of the Leibniz Society of North America. Member of the Società Italiana di Storia della Scienza. Member of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice.
- Referee and/or advisor for The Leibniz Review, Centaurus, Historia Mathematica, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Foundations of Science, Lexicon Philosophicon, Early Science and Medicine, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Revue d’histoire des sciences, Journal for the History of Philosophy, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Rivista UMI, Journal of Early Modern Studies, Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences, Ergo, Annals of Science, cRevue de métaphysique et de morale ;
Oxford University Press, Springer Verlag, Brill ;
Israel Science Foundation, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Société Française d’Histoire des Sciences et Techniques
- 2006-2007 On Frege’s Philosophy of Mathematics, two terms, Scuola Normale Superiore (teaching assistant)
- 2006-2007 On Leibniz’s Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy, two terms, Scuola Normale Superiore (t.a.)
- 2007-2008 On David Lewis’s Parts of Classes, one term, Scuola Normale Superiore (t.a.)
- 2008-2009 On Modal Logic, one term, Scuola Normale Superiore (t.a.)
- 2008-2009 On Poincaré’s Philosophy of Mathematics, one term, Scuola Normale Superiore (t.a.)
- 2015 On Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics, one term, Scuola Normale Superiore
- 2016-2017 On Leibniz’s Theory of Space, one term, University of Leipzig
- 2016-2017 On Kant’s Theory of Space, one term, University of Leipzig
- 2016-2017 On History and Epistemology of Geometry, one term, Università di Urbino
- 2019 On Lambert’s Epistemology and Metaphysics, Graduate Seminar, Stanford University
- 2018-2020 Graduate Seminars in History and Philosophy of Science, and Mathematics, Université de Paris
- Traduction, Introduction et commentaire de G. SACCHERI, Euclide vendicato da ogni neo, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2011. (328 pp.)
- Introduction et commentaire de G. SACCHERI, Euclid Vindicated from Every Blemish, Basel/Boston, Birkhäuser 2014. (388 pp.) [traduction anglais de l’édition précédente ; le commentaire a été augmenté]
- Introduction and Commentary to J.H. LAMBERT, Theory of Parallel Lines, Basel/Boston, Birkhäuser (sous contrat ; à paraître).
- (with Javier Echeverría), Edition, Translation and Commentary to G.W. LEIBNIZ , Commentaires sur les Éléments d’Euclide, “Mathesis”, Paris, Vrin (à paraître).
- Guest editor of volumes VII.9, 10 and 11 of G.W. LEIBNIZ, Sämtlichen Schriften und Briefe, Berlin-
Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, de Gruyter (à paraître).
- Mathematizing Space. The Objects of Geometry from Antiquity to the Early Modern Age, Basel/Boston, Birkhäuser 2015. (320 pp.).
Chapters by Henry Mendell, Alexander Jones, David Rabouin, Franco Farinelli, Gary Hatfield, Douglas Jesseph, Andrew Janiak, Daniel Garber, Graciela De Pierris, Jeremy Gray, Michael Friedman.
(with David Rabouin), Special Issue of the “Revue d’Histoire des Sciences”, dedicated to Leibniz’s Dynamica, 72, (2019).
Articles by Daniel Garber, Anne-Lise Rey, François Duchesneau, Mathieu Gibier, Andrea Costa, Enrico Pasini, Laurynas Adomaitis.
Leibniz and the Structure of Sciences. Modern Perspectives on the History of Logic, Mathematics, Epistemology, “Boston Studies in Philosophy and History of Science”, Berlin, Springer 2019. (298 pp.)
Chapters by Marko Malink, Anubav Vasudevan, Massimo Mugnai, Richard Arthur, Vincenzo De Risi, David Rabouin, Valérie Debuiche, Davide Crippa, Jürgen Jost, Nabeel Hamid.
(with Francesco Ademollo and Fabrizio Amerini), Thinking and Calculating. Essays on Logic, its History and its Applications, Berlin, Springer 2022 (accepté, à paraître).
Articles by Francesco Ademollo, Fabrizio Amerini, Maria Rosa Antognazza, Richard T.W. Arthur, Carla Bagnoli, Francesco
Belardinelli, Sergio Bernini, Irene Binini, Andrea Borghini, Andrea Cantini, Graziana Ciola, Paolo Crivelli, Marcello D’Agostino, Vincenzo De Risi, Hykel Hosni, Giorgio Lando, Pierluigi Minari, Daniele Mundici, Calvin Normore, Chris Martin, Fabrizio Mondadori, Claude Panaccio, Enrico Pasini, Mario Piazza, Riccardo Strobino, Monica Ugaglia -
with Sara Confalonieri), History of Logic and Mathematics (16th)
18th Centuries) of the Encyclopedia of the History of Sciences, bilingual ed. English-French, London, ISTE-Wiley 2022 (sous contrat).
Chapters by Veronica Gavagna, David Rabouin, Catherine Goldstein, Sara Confalonieri, Sébastien Maronne, Antoni Malet, Arilès Remaki, Niccolò Guicciardini, Massimo Galuzzi, Shuyuan Pan, Xiaohan Zhou, Anuj Misra, Clemency Montelle, Kim Plofker, Ken’ichi Sato.
- Leibniz on Geometry. Two unpublished manuscripts with translation and commentary, “The Leibniz Review”, 15, 2005, pp. 127-51.
- Leibniz around 1700. Three Texts on Metaphysics, “The Leibniz Review”, 16, 2006, pp. 55-69.
- Leibniz’s analysis situs and the Localization of Monads, dans Akten des IX. Internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses, eds. H. Breger, J. Herbst et S. Erdner, Berlin, Akademie Verlag 2011, pp. 208-16.
- Leibniz on Relativity. The Debate between Hans Reichenbach and Dietrich Mahnke on Leibniz’s Theory of Motion and Time, dans New essays on Leibniz reception in philosophy of science 1800-2000, eds. Ralf Krömer et Yannick Chin-Drian, Basel/Boston, Birkhäuser 2012, pp. 143-85.
- Plotino e la Rivoluzione Scientifica. La presenza delle Enneadi nell’epistemologia leibniziana dello spazio fenomenico, dans Il Platonismo e le Scienze, eds. R. Chiaradonna et M. De Caro, Roma, Carocci, 2012, pp. 143-63.
- Arte e Scienza della Sfera. La nascita del concetto moderno di spazio fra la teoria rinascimentale della prospettiva e la geometria di Leibniz, dans Sphaera. Forma, immagine e metafora fra medioevo ed età moderna, eds. P. Totaro et L. Valente, Firenze, Olschki 2012, pp. 321-62.
- La dimostrazione kantiana del Quinto Postulato, dans Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht, eds. S. Bacin, A. Ferrarin, C. La Rocca, M. Ruffing, Berlin, de Gruyter 2013, vol. 5, pp. 31-43.
- Francesco Patrizi e la nuova geometria dello spazio, dans Locus-Spatium, eds. D. Giovannozzi et M. Veneziani, Firenze, Olschki 2014, pp. 269-327.
- L’arte dello spazio. La nascita delle geometrie non euclidee e la teoria della prospettiva, dans Il libro della natura. Scienze e filosofia da Copernico a Darwin, ed. P. Pecere, Roma, Carocci 2015, vol. 1, pp. 219-72.
- The Development of Euclidean Axiomatics. The systems of principles and the foundations of mathematics in editions of the Elements from Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century, dans “Archive for History of Exact Sciences”, 70 (2016), pp. 591-676.
- Leibniz on the Continuity of Space, dans Vorträge des X. Internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses, eds. W. Li et al., Hildesheim, Olms 2016, vol. 5, pp. 179-192.
- Francesco Patrizi’s Conceptions of Space and Geometry, dans Boundaries, Extents and Circulations. Space and Spatiality in Early Modern Natural Philosophy, eds. K. Vermeer, J. Regier, Basel/Boston, Springer 2016, pp. 55-106.
- Leibniz’s Geometry of Space and the Theory of Perspective, in Leibniz Lectures Leipzig, vol. 3, eds. F. Buchholz, M. Schlegel, Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2018, pp. 67-90
- Analysis Situs, the Foundations of Mathematics and a Geometry of Space, in The Oxford Handbook of Leibniz, ed. M.R. Antognazza, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2018, pp. 247-58.
- Leibniz on the Continuity of Space, in Leibniz and the Structure of Sciences. Modern and New Essays on Logic, Mathematics, Epistemology, ed. V. De Risi, “Boston Studies in Philosophy and History of Science”, Berlin, Springer 2019, pp. 111-69.
- Has Euclid proven Elements I, 1 ? The early modern debate on intersections and continuity, in Reading Mathematics in the Early Modern Europe. Studies in the Production, Collection, and Use of Mathematical Books, ed. P. Beeley, Y. Nasifoglu, B. Wardhaugh, London, Routledge 2020, pp. 12-32.
- Gapless Lines and Gapless Proofs. Intersections and Continuity in Euclid’s Elements, “Apeiron”, 54 (2021), pp. 233-59.
Euclid’s Common Notions and the Theory of Equivalence, “Foundations of Science”, 26 (2021), pp. 301-24.
- Geometria delle figure e geometria dello spazio, in Perché studiare la logica, ed. E. Montuschi, P.D. Omodeo, Roma, Armando 2021, pp. 16-49.
- Euclid’s Fourth Postulate, accepted for publication and forthcoming in “Science in Context”.
- Aristotle on Common Axioms, in Thinking and Calculating. Essays on Logic, its History and its Applications, ed. F. Ademollo F. Amerini, V. De Risi, Berlin, Springer 2022 (accepted for publication and forthcoming).
- V.1– L’Analysis Situs, in Leibniz, “Les génies de la science”, 28 (2006), p. 92.
- Gerolamo Saccheri, in Enciclopedia italiana di scienze lettere ed arti. Il contributo italiano alla storia del pensiero. Ottava appendice, ed. A. Clericuzio, Roma, Enciclopedia Treccani 2013, pp. 367-372.
- Review of K. Chemla, R. Chorlay, D. Rabouin, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Generality in Mathematics and the Sciences (Oxford : OUP 2016), “Early Science and Medicine”, 22 (2017), pp. 399-403.
- Review of R. Rashed, Fermat et les débuts modernes de la géométrie (Hildesheim : Olms 2018), “Historia Mathematica”, 48 (2019).