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(DATE A DÉFINIR) Séminaire – Centre pour une Histoire de la Philosophie et des Sciences vue d’Asie, d’Afrique, etc (CHPSAA)

décembre 6 @ 8h00 - 17h00


Alexis Trouillot (Université de Texas)
Frank E. Chapman’s Prison Writings : Science and Africa
Résumé :
One of the first book to make the question of mathematics in Africa available to a large public was Claudia Zaslavsky’s (1917-2006) Africa Counts : Number and Pattern in African Cultures published in 1973. This talk will focus on one of her book’s inspirations, the unpublished Science and Africa : Essays on the Part Which People of Color Have Played in the Development of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics written by the young Frank E. Chapman in 1965 as he was serving a life sentence in a Missouri prison. Based on the original manuscript as well as correspondence, I will discuss Chapman ideas regarding the link between Black liberation in the United State and the history of science.
Répondant : Angel Pellerej (Masterant U-paris)


Date :
décembre 6
Heure :
8h00 - 17h00
Catégorie d’Évènement: