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Crédits photos
Page d’accueil
- Rome, Biblioteca Angelica, MS gr. 38, fol. 114r. George Pachymeres, Quadrivium
- Signatur:LH35,2,1[133)-67r, Gotrfried Wilhem Leibniz Bibliothek (manuscript Leibniz)
- University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History, Shelf Mark 10-844 - Ethiopian biblical manuscript
- Encre noire (encre ferro-gallique), utilisée durant des siècles comme moyen d'écriture.© Benjamin LETERRIER/CNRS Images
Page projets
- Ars artium : sive ars magna cabalistica. Schopper, Hartmann, 1542-; Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623. Source : Colenda Digital Repository.
- Pseudo-Galen, Claudius, 131-201 (MS.290). Wellcome Collection. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.
- Satire on false perspective: a landscape with absurd situations due to incorrect perspective. Aquatint by Le Coeur after W. Hogarth. Wellcome Collection. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.
- Illustration tirée de L'Image du monde du xiiie siècle représentant une Terre sphérique.
- A dentist with silver forceps and a necklace of large teeth, extracting the tooth of a well seated man. Omne Bonum (England - London; 1360–1375)
Page Axes de recherche
- Main guidonienne : manuscript liturgique (UPenn Ms. Codex 1248, fol. 122r)
- Leibniz's Manuscript of integral and differential notation, Wikimedia Commons
- Diagrams representing the Ptolemaic (referred to as Aristotelian in the title) and Copernican theories of the universe, with a final diagram representing the theory of Tycho Brahe.; 1. f.4r-13r: Sistema Tolemaico.; 2. f.14r-21r: Sistema Copernicano.; 3. f.21v: Sistema Ticonico. Source: Colenda Digital Repository-Penn Libraries
- A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.
- Rome, Biblioteca Angelica, MS gr. 38, fol. 114r. George Pachymeres, Quadrivium
Page Séminaires
- Socrate discutant avec ses disciples (miniature d’Al-Mubashshir, Syrie) - Istanbul, Bibliothèque du musée de Topkapi Sarayi ms 3206, fol. 40a
- De osteologieles van Dr. Sebastiaen Egbertsz.-Anatomische les van Dr. Sebastiaen Egbertsz, Wikimedia Commons.
- Un rouleau chinois du Sutra du Lotus avec des textes tibétains de divination au dos. Conservé et numérisé dans le cadre du projet de conservation et de numérisation des manuscrits du Lotus Sutra. (British Library)
- The School of Athens" by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, Wikipedia
- A horse, a lion, a hedghog and a stag. Cut-out engraving pasted onto paper, 16--?. Wellcome Collection. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.
Page Master
- Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804), “Emmanuel Kant. Petits traités philosophiques, traduits par Adolphe Franck”, 18, Bibliothèque numérique de la Sorbonne, consulté le 18 juin 2024.