
Directrice de recherche classe exceptionnelle - CNRS, ex-Equipe REHSEIS, SPHERE, UMR 7219

Research themes

Etude d’une culture mathématique savante de la Chine ancienne et médiévale

  • Algorithmes et démonstration
  • Figures, instruments, valeurs théoriques
  • Types de textes : Canons, commentaires et autres écrits
  • Terminologie des mathématiques

Les mathématiques en Chine dans la perspective d’une histoire internationale

  • Histoire et historiographie de la démonstration mathématique
  • Histoire des algorithmes et de leur description
  • Histoire de l’algèbre en Chine et au-delà

La géométrie en France au début du XIXe siècle

Recherches théoriques sur l’histoire des sciences

  • Cultures épistémologiques, pratiques scientifiques, styles de raisonnement et autres concepts.
  • La généralité : valeurs et pratiques
  • History of Science, History of Text
  • Historiographie des sciences dites non-occidentales

Advanced Research Grant de l’European Research Council, avec Agathe Keller and Christine Proust : Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World (SAW) . Etude de la diversité des cultures mathématiques des mondes anciens et au-delà.

Parcours de recherche, Collaborations, Distinctions, Responsabilités

Bibliographie, organisation de rencontres & quelques communications (2004-2018)

CATREN Gabriel


Chargé de Recherche - CNRS

Research themes:

  • Philosophy of physics: philosophy of classical and quantum mechanics, philosophy of gauge theories and general relativity.
  • Philosophy of mathematics: philosophy of category theory, philosophy of homotopic theory of types.
  • General philosophy: contemporary critical and speculative philosophy.

Presentations at scientific events


Photo - Florence Bretelle Establet


Photo - Florence Bretelle Establet


Directrice de Recherche 2 - CNRS / Université Paris Diderot, Paris 7 Diderot

Research themes

  • Histoire de la médecine en Chine sous la dynastie des Qing (1644-1911)
  • Historiographie de la médecine
  • Histoire des sources écrites
  • Histoire de l’introduction de la médecine occidentale en Chine (19e-20e siècles)

CERAMI Cristina


Directrice de recherche

Research themes: 

History of ancient and medieval Arab philosophies; physics, cosmology, theory of animal generation, metaphysics, logic, theory of knowledge, theory of demonstration; Aristotle; Averroes and the Greco-Arab peripateticism. Our work has two parts. We study, on the one hand, Aristotle’s text for itself, trying to understand it at the microscopic level of the arguments and at the macroscopic level of the organization of his treatises and in particular of his physical corpus. We examine, on the other hand, the work of Averroes in order to reconstruct it as well in its relation to the commented text as in its Greek (Alexander of Aphrodise, Philopo) and Arabic (al-Fârâbî, Avicenna, al. -Ghazâlî). Each of these two components is based on two main methodological convictions, the first which consists in combining a philological study of the text and a reflection on its theoretical scope, the second to articulate logic, the philosophy of nature and metaphysics. This double-crossed study achieves two major results: it shows, on the one hand, that the Aristotelian system and the reconstructions that have been proposed over the centuries cannot be understood without taking into account the real interaction between the work of transmission and translation of the text and its theoretical interpretation; it shows, on the other hand, that to understand the history of the theory of demonstration it is not simply a question of explaining how the demonstrative model of the Aristotelian organon was applied to other disciplines, but of showing how the interpretation of the latter and in particular of natural philosophy and metaphysics conditioned the very definition of demonstration.