« HANDICAP & EPISTEMIC RESEARCH AGENTS" : Studying the epistemic ethos, social relations and material conditions of research production in the field of disability.

“I wanted to know more, to understand, to analyze my situation beyond a personal point of view, to place it within a philosophical analysis of a global system. This tug-of-war between the personal and the supposed objectivity of science, between activism and research, was sometimes painful, a source of misunderstanding between the academic world and me”, Puisieux Charlotte, De chair et de fer. Vivre et lutter dans une société validiste, La découverte, Paris, 2022, p.72. La découverte, Paris, 2022, p.72.

Research in this field is constantly unfolding the nuances and degrees of disability, and its implications for people in the medical-social field. Knowledge is growing about the origins of disabling situations, the experiences and repercussions for the people concerned, and solutions for overcoming categories that are by nature reductive. Theoretically, the World Health Organization recognizes disability as the result of complex interactions between the experience of one (or more) biological alteration(s), such as the symptoms of a chronic disabling disease, and personal and social environmental factors. Empirically, these interactions are not easy to analyze.

By articulating the testimonies and experiential knowledge of people in various situations, individual and collective experiences, and bio-medico-social theories, the research aims to renew both the categories of what can be the subject of research, the themes addressed by research, and the trajectories and positions of research agents. It is these complex and novel articulations between professions, experiences, objects, and subjects, as well as their fertility for science, that this seminar proposes to study.

Interdisciplinary research in the healthcare field requires the involvement of people in real-life situations -patients, chronically ill people, carers, users, etc.-. Participatory or action research is becoming a sine qua non for responding to calls for scientific projects. Is it a political, ethical or truly epistemological injunction ? It is often difficult to determine. The material conditions of research production and the social relations involved in the co-construction of knowledge are rarely regulated. Through a presentation of -ethos- epistemic practices and postures by all the research agents themselves, this seminar "Disability and epistemic agents" will be an opportunity for a time of sharing, exchange and reflexivity about the ethical, epistemological and epistemic issues of the field.
Project teamMarie Boeno, Doctoral student in History and Philosophy of Science at Université de Paris Cité, SPHEre Laboratory (UMR 7219), ED 623 « Savoirs, Sciences, Éducation », under the supervision of Alain Leplege (SPHERE) and co-directed by Annie Hourcade (ERIAC, Université de Rouen).
Coline Periano, Doctoral student in Philosophy of Medicine at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, at the République des savoirs Laboratory within the Doctoral School 540, under the supervision of Céline Lefève (SPHERE, Paris Cité) and Frédéric Worms (Républiques des savoirs, ENS-PSL).
French sign language translator available on request : marie.boeno@gmail.com & periano.coline@gmail.com.

PORGRAM 2023-2024

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 (webinar only)

Seminar presentation by the coordinators.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 

  • Tiphaine LOURS, PhD student in History of Medicine - SPHERE UMR 7219
    Title: « Encountering the invisible : sketching a history of the physically disabled in the 19th century through the history of tissue transplants ». 
  • Coline PERIANO, Doctoral student in Philosophy of Medicine at the Ecole Normale Supérieure - République des savoirs Laboratory within Ecole doctorale 540
    Title: « Architects’ perspectives on the bodies of users of architecture ».

December 6, 2023

  • Lucile SERGENT, doctoral student in sociology - Laboratoire d’histoire des technosciences en société, CNAM, France
    Title: « Toward a sociology of the sick »
  • Julien SALABELLE, Architect and doctoral student in architecture - GERPHAU Laboratory, ENSA La Villette
    Title: "Presentation of workshops, Space and Museum, an example of participatory research"

Wednesday, January 10, 2024 (webinar only)

  • Charlotte PUISIEUX, Doctor of Philosophy, active member of the handi-feminist collective Les Dévalideuses and Handi-parentalité association. She recently published De chair et de fer. Vivre et lutter dans une société validiste (La découverte, 2022).
    Title: "Rethinking anti-validist struggles in the light of Queer : an introduction to the crip movement  ».
  • Bertrand QUENTIN, Director of LIPHA (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire d’Etude du Politique Hannah Arendt) (EA7373), MCF HDR habilité PR, Université Gustave Eiffel, Head of Master 1 Philosophie, "applied medical and hospital ethics" course.
    Title:  Can disability be conceptualized ?  »

Wednesday, February 7, 2024 (webinar only)

  • Jérôme Bas, PhD in Sociology - University of Paris VIII / CRESPPA-CSU Title: "Disability and Social Science Research: Between Associative Demand and State Demand (1975-2005)"
  • Pascale TERROM, person with reduced mobility, AFPS patient-trainer / patient-partner, dietician-nutritionist healthcare professional
    Title: « Medical power : medical authoritarianism ? ».
    « As an adult, can we question the relevance of medical decisions taken in childhood ? Can we recover from "oppressive" surgical after-effects ? »

Wednesday, March 6, 2024 (webinar only)

  • Agathe CAMUS, post-doctoral fellow in philosophy, EPIPHINORE project no. ANR-20-CE36-0007-01, SPHERE UMR 7219, Université Paris Cité/CNRS
    Title: « Chronic illness and disability : the relevance and legitimacy of a cross-disciplinary approach ».
  • Léa BAILLAT - Unité Inserm 1296 Radiations : Défense, Santé, Environnement (Université Lumière Lyon 2, et Groupe de recherche IMPAQT, Seintinelles), Charlène TAVERNON - (Unité Inserm 1296 Radiations : Défense, Santé, Environnement (Université Lumière Lyon 2) et Groupe de recherche IMPAQT, Seintinelles) et Murielle SEVENNE - (Patiente-chercheuse, Groupe de recherche IMPAQT, Seintinelles)
    Title: « Oncologie et recherche communautaire : retour d’expérience du groupe mixte IMPAQT sur les étapes et les enjeux de la collaboration entre patientes et chercheuses et de la construction d’un “troisième savoir” dans toutes les étapes de la recherche »

Wednesday, April 3, 2024 (webinar only)

  • Cyril FIORINI, PhD in Science, Technology and Society (STS), research associate at the Histoire des Technosciences en Société (HT2S) laboratory, EA 3716, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (Cnam), project and advocacy officer at the Sciences Citoyennes association.
    Title: « (The third-party watchdog mechanism to support participatory research practices (co-production of knowledge) between researchers and the groups concerned). »
  • Géraldine REBER, patient, peer-help project manager
    Title: « Stakes and consequences of hiring a project manager in a disability situation to create and coordinate a peer-aid network ».

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 (webinar only)

Marie Boeno, SPHERE (UMR 7219), University of Paris Cité, Doctoral School "Knowledge, Sciences, Education" (ED 623). PhD in progress since December 2021 under the supervision of Alain Leplège (SPHERE Laboratory – University of Paris Cité) and Annie Hourcade (ERIAC Laboratory – University of Rouen). Mike Oliver's Emancipatory Paradigm: A Politico-Ethical Imperative at the Expense of Epistemological Requirements?

June 11 to 12, 2024

Results Presentation Day