Seminar - Interdisciplinary Research in History and Philosophy of Science

History of Science, History of Text

Organization : K. Chemla (SPHere, CNRS-Université Paris Cité) et l’ensemble du groupe HSHT

The seminar examines the various types of documents produced in the context of scholarly practices in order to understand how the shaping of textual forms and inscriptions is part of the scientific activity. The seminar also aims to understand how these works make it possible to better interpret the sources on which historians of science draw to conduct their research. We will focus this year on the following topics:

  • how are layouts instruments that scientists put into play in their work and do they need to be interpreted as such?
  • How do scientists create textual forms in the broadest sense to conduct their research, and how do these textual forms reflect their intellectual work?
  • How to read diagrams?
  • How to read bibliographies ?
  • What kinds of writings produced by private actors do historians of science come across, and how can they be exploited?
  • How do knowledge collectives organize the universes of paper on which they base their activities?
  • How can we understand the fluidity of certain texts through their adaptations, translations and other forms of recreation? More generally, how can we describe writings that derive from other writings?

See the program

Historical, philosophical and anthropological approaches to numbers, measurement and measurability

Organization : N. de Courtenay (Univ. Paris Cité, HPS, SPHere), F. Grégis (SPHere), E. Lejeune (Témos & SPHere)

See the program

Séminaire Doctoral Interdisciplinaire d’histoire et philosophie des Sciences (DISc )

Organization : (Elena Danieli, Paul-Emmanuel Timotei, Flora Vachon, Jimmy Degroote) (ED 623–Université Paris Cité, SPHere)

Thanks to Arilès Remaki, Edgar Lejeune, Justin Gabriel, Marie Lacomme and Sara Hijmans for having successfully organized the seminar in previous years.

The DISc seminar is a monthly meeting designed by and for the SPHere’s PhD students to meet their scientific needs. The seminar aims to be a space for discussion and exchange in the history, philosophy, epistemology and sociology of science among young researchers. Each session revolves around a theme that relates to the work of three or more of SPHere’s PhD students, to create a space for interdisciplinary thinking. The goal of the DISc seminar is to be the occasion for refining methodological tools and for sharing the advancements of the participants’ research with their colleagues.
Students enrolled in the Master d’histoire et philosophie des sciences of the Université Paris Cité can validate their presence at the DISc seminar.
To attend the seminar, online or in person, please contact the organizers who will be happy to welcome you.

See the program

Seminar of the Centre for the History of Philosophy and Science seen from Asia, Africa, and so on (CHPSAA)

Organization : members of CHPSAA center. Coordination : E. Sammarchi

This seminar is one of the activities of the Centre for the History of Philosophy and Science seen from Asia, Africa, and so on.
For any questions related to the organisation and the program of the seminar, please contact Eleonora Sammarchi.

See the program