La scienza del tatto

La scienza del tatto

Author: Chiara Beneduce, La scienza del tatto - Un percorso tra filosofia naturale e medicina (The Science of Touch-A journey between natural philosophy and medicine), Editrice Bibliografica (July 2024)

Since ancient times, science has questioned the nature and functioning of the sense of touch: its location in the body, the qualities it perceives, and its relationship with the other senses. The history of the conceptualization of touch also passes through the Middle Ages, a period, in this regard, still little studied. This book investigates the teachings on touch formulated, at the crossroads between natural philosophy and medicine, by some thinkers of the fourteenth century, retracing four nodal themes left open by Aristotle and inherited from the late medieval Aristotelian tradition: the identification of the bodily organ of touch and its functioning by contact; the problem of the perceptual objects specific to touch and, in particular, its role in the perception of pleasure and pain; the meanings according to which touch and taste can be considered necessary for living beings; and, finally, the correspondence between touch and the element of earth.

The Mathematical and Philosophical Legacy of Alexander Grothendieck

The Mathematical and Philosophical Legacy of Alexander Grothendieck

Editors :Marco Panza, Daniele C. Struppa, Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz, The Mathematical and Philosophical Legacy of Alexander Grothendieck, Springer (November 2024)

Alexander Grothendieck is often considered one of the greatest mathematicians of the twentieth century (if not all time), and his unique vision continues to impact and inspire many fields and researchers today. Utilizing a multidisciplinary approach, this edited volume explores the profound influence his work and ideas have had not only on mathematics, but also on logic and philosophy. Chapters are written by international scholars, and many were inspired by talks given at the conference „Grothendieck, A Multifarious Giant“ at Chapman University (May 24-28, 2022). Some chapters are written from a historical perspective and discuss the development of the main themes that characterized Grothendieck‘s work. Others are more mathematical in nature, analyzing and extending some of his more relevant and obscure results that are still not well understood. Philosophical implications and applications in logic are the subjects of other chapters. This volume will be of interest not only to mathematicians working in algebraic geometry, category theory, and other areas to which Grothendieck contributed, but also to philosophers, logicians, and historians of science.

Shaping the Sciences of the Ancient and Medieval World

Shaping the Sciences of the Ancient and Medieval World

Editors: Agathe Keller, Karine Chemla, Shaping the Sciences of the Ancient and Medieval World - Textual Criticism, Critical Editions and Translations of Scholarly Texts in History, Springer (May 2024)

This book contributes to a worldwide history of textual criticism and critical editions of ancient scientific texts. It first looks at ancient editorial practices, and at their impact on modern editions. Contributions analyze how, through time, the perception of what a text was may have changed, and influenced how scholarly texts were made accessible. The second section looks at the historical, political and social contexts within which editions and translations of ancient scientific texts were produced. Finally, the last two parts examine the specificities of editions and translations that bore on scholarly documents. Not only is there a focus on how the elements specific to scientific texts—such as diagrams and numbers—were treated, but case studies analyzing the specific work carried out to edit mathematical and astronomical texts of the past are also offered to the reader. The scholarship displayed in this work lays the foundation for further studies on the history of critical editions and raises questions to those who make scholarly translations and critical editions today.

Santé publique, bien commun - Philippe Bizouarn, Fabienne Orsi Benjamin Coriat, André Grimaldi

Santé publique, bien commun

Philippe Bizouarn, Fabienne Orsi, Benjamin Coriat, André Grimaldi, Santé publique, bien commun, Hémisphères Editions (mars 2023) 

La santé publique, un bien commun ? S’il s’agit, en revendiquant l’accès à des soins de qualité, de défendre un service public au service du public, hors marché, la lente dégradation de l’hôpital, que les acteurs du soin constatent et dénoncent depuis tant d’années, conduit nécessairement à se poser cette question cruciale.

Les tribunes ici réunies ont été publiées à partir de 2020, au début de la pandémie de Covid-19, et jusque fin 2022, alors que sévissait une triple épidémie. Elles témoignent de ce que fut l’espoir des soignants de pouvoir poursuivre leur mission de soin pour toutes et tous, quelles que soient leurs conditions. Mais, en dépit des promesses présidentielles, la situation ne s’est pas améliorée. L’hôpital public, au cœur de la cité, serait-il devenu une entreprise, déconstruisant la maison commune ? Comment, dès lors, poursuivre le travail si les valeurs professionnelles fondant les métiers du soin ne peuvent être respectées ?

En 2020, un collectif de soignants, le Collectif inter-hôpitaux, avait publié chez Hémisphères éditions Déclarons notre amour à l’hôpital public. 2020, défense et illustration d’un service public. Mais rien n’est plus à démontrer ; reste à agir et, encore et toujours, à témoigner et informer : tel est le propos de ce nouvel ouvrage.

L’Unité de la forme – L’ontologie d’Aristote et le défi de la complexité

Ulysse Chaintreuil, L'Unité de la Forme L’ontologie d’Aristote et le défi de la complexité, collection Les Anciens et les Modernes - Études de philosophie n° 60, Classiques Garnier (29 mai 2024) 380 pages

L’hylémorphisme aristotélicien ne concerne pas seulement la relation entre la matière sensible et la forme, mais s’applique à celle qu’entretiennent les « parties » de la forme. Par l’analyse de ce dernier cas, cet ouvrage entend montrer toute la puissance explicative et unificatrice de l’hylémorphisme.

Autour de Canguilhem, Vie, médecine et soin

C. Lefève (dir.), Autour de Canguilhem. Vie, médecine et soin, coll. "Questions de soin", Presses Universitaires de France, 361 p.

Georges Canguilhem est aujourd'hui une référence incontournable des débats philosophiques et éthiques sur la santé et la médecine. Une raison en est le geste radical qu'il a déployé dès sa thèse sur le normal et le pathologique : remémorer à la médecine son origine et sa finalité individuelles trop souvent oubliées. Elle naît de l'appel à l'aide d'un malade qu'elle doit considérer dans sa globalité, sa singularité et son pouvoir de donner sens et valeur à sa vie. L'essai de Céline Lefève ressaisit l'unité de sa pensée qui articule une philosophie de la vie, décrite comme une activité normative en lutte contre ce qui la limite ; une épistémologie de la médecine, définie comme un art utilisant les sciences (sans s'y réduire) ; et une éthique de la clinique, fondée sur l'attention du médecin au malade (et non à sa seule maladie). À l'heure où la médecine s'exerce au croisement de normes scientifiques et organisationnelles orientées vers la standardisation, la voir d'abord comme un soutien aux normes individuelles de vie du malade offre une ressource critique centrale à l'éthique du soin médical et, au-delà, à une politique du soin. Les lectures de Canguilhem proposées par des philosophes et des médecins (Lazare Benaroyo, Martin Dumont, Jean-Christophe Mino, Didier Sicard, Charles Wolfe et Frédéric Worms) confirment ensuite l'actualité de sa philosophie.

Le débat numérique, le média d’un renouveau démocratique

Preface par Jean-Jacques SZCZECINIARZ

Ce livre est le résultat de la rencontre entre une crise de la démocratie et l’ère du numérique. Il présente la conception d’un débat numérique assisté par une Intelligence Artificielle qui, sans intervenir dans les discussions, a pour vocation d’aider les débattants à penser pour intervenir de manière efficace dans le débat public et de ce fait, de redonner un souffle à la démocratie.

Innovant par une utilisation inédite de la théorie des catégories pour le formalisme mathématique du débat, ce travail l’est également par le recours à des hypostases. Ces dernières sont des outils logiques qui, à la fois, structurent la pensée des débattants et les algorithmes de l’Intelligence Artificielle et à la fois permettent de superviser celle-ci.

Il résulte d’un effort pour rationaliser la pensée, son contenu et les outils qui la servent tout en conservant une place à l’art comme en témoignent les illustrations qui l’émaillent et qui interrogent la rationalité.


Identity, individuality and indistinguishability in physics and mathematics

Gabriel Catren et Frederico Holik, le 18 septembre 2023 - The Royal Society Publishing

In this brief survey, we discuss some of the scientific and philosophical problems and debates that underlie the notions of identity, individuality and indistinguishability in physics and mathematics. We critically analyse the different positions for or against the existence of indistinguishable objects in different scientific theories, notably quantum mechanics and gauge theories in physics and homotopy type theory in mathematics. We argue that the different forms of indistinguishability that occur in many areas of physics and mathematics—far from being a problem to be eradicated—exhibit a rich formal structure that plays a key role in the corresponding theories that needs to be properly understood.

This article is part of the theme issue ‘Identity, individuality and indistinguishability in physics and mathematics’.

Cultures of Computation and Quantification in the Ancient World.

Cultures of Computation and Quantification in the Ancient World.

K. Chemla, A. Keller, C. Proust, (dir.), Springer, coll. Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter, 2023

“Offers an approach to the diversity of scientific cultures based on case studies dealing with mathematical sources”.
“Links the history of mathematics to the history of ancient worlds.”
”Sheds a new light on the history of place-value systems.”

“This book sheds light on the variety of mathematical cultures in general. To do so, it concentrates on cultures of computation and quantification in the ancient world, mainly in ancient China, South Asia, and the Ancient Near East and offers case studies focused on numbers, quantities, and operations, in particular in relation to mathematics as well as administrative and economic activities.
The various chapters focus on the different ways and contexts of shaping numbers and quantities, and on the procedures applied to them. The book places special emphasis on the processes of emergence of place-value number systems, evidenced in the three geographical areas under study All these features yield essential elements that will enable historians of mathematics to further capture the diversity of computation practices in their contexts, whereas previous historical approaches have tended to emphasize elements that displayed uniformity within “civilizational” blocks. The book includes editions and translations of texts, some of them published here for the first time, maps, and conventions for editions of ancient texts. It thereby offers primary sources and methodological tools for teaching and learning.
The volume is aimed at historians and philosophers of science and mathematics, historians of the ancient worlds, historians of economics, sinologists, indologists, assyriologists, as well as undergraduate, graduate students and teachers in mathematics, the history and philosophy of science and mathematics, and in the history of ancient worlds”.
Springer Cham, collection ”Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter”

2 janvier 2023 ; pages : X, 765 (284 b/w illustrations, 48 illustrations couleur)


Hardcover ISBN978-3-030-98360-4, Softcover ISBN978-3-030-98363-5, eBook ISBN978-3-030-98361-1Published : 01 January 2023 ; Series ISSN 2662-9933, Series E-ISSN 2662-9941

Thèmes : Histoire des sciences, Épistémologie, Histoire des sciences mathématiques, Histoire de l’Asie, Histoire de l’Asie du sud


Part I : Shaping Quantities and Relating them to Numbers

Part II : Interpreting Numbers and Quantities in Texts

PartIII : Working with Operations and Algorithms

Part IV : Different Cultures of Computation and Quantification

Mots-clés : Histoire des cultures mathématiques - Histoire des pratiques administratives et économiques – Histoire et philosophie du nombre – Cultures du calcul – Opérations et algorithmes – Diyala

Indigenous Knowledge and Ethnomathematics

Indigenous Knowledge and Ethnomathematics

E. Vandendriessche, R. Pinxten, (dir.), Springer Cham, 2023

“Includes original ethnographic materials focusing on mathematical abilities and procedures in non-Western subjects

Highlights the use of ethnographic data in sophisticated educational processes in mathematics

Offers insights from a ‘second generation’ of ethnomathematics studies“

“The book presents a series of ethnographic studies, which illustrate issues of wider importance, such as the role of cultural traditions, concepts and learning procedures in the development of formal (or mathematical) thinking outside of the western tradition. It focuses on research at the crossroads of anthropology and ethnomathematics to document indigenous mathematical knowledge and its inclusion in specific cultural patterns. More generally, the book demonstrates the heuristic value of crossing ethnographical, anthropological and ethnomathematical approaches to highlight and analyze—or "formalize" with a pedagogical outlook—indigenous mathematical knowledge.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part extensively analyzes theoretical claims using particular ethnographic data, while revealing the structural mathematical features of different ludic, graphic, or technical/procedural practices in their links to other cultural phenomena. In the second part, new empirical studies that add data and perspectives from the body of studies on indigenous knowledge systems to the ongoing discussions in mathematics education in and for diverse cultural traditions are presented. This part considers, on the one hand, the Brazilian work in this field ; on the other hand, it brings ethnographic innovation from other parts of the world. The third part comprises a broad philosophical discussion of the impact of intuitive or "ontological" premises on mathematical thinking and education in the light of recent developments within so-called indigenously inspired thinking. Finally, the editors’ conclusions aim to invite the broad and diversified field of scholars in this domain of research to seek alternative approaches for understanding mathematical reasoning and the adjacent adequate educational goals and means.

This book is of interest to scholars and students in anthropology, ethnomathematics, history and philosophy of science, mathematics, and mathematics education, as well as other individuals interested in these topics.”

Editors and Affiliations

National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris, France : Eric Vandendriessche
Cultures and Languages, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium : Rik Pinxten